Honors Courses: Fall 2024

1405. Honors Core: The Genetics Revolution in Contemporary Culture

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: Open only to freshmen and sophomores in the Honors Program.

Grading Basis: Honors Credit

Exploration of the use of genetics concepts in popular culture. Topics include genetic analysis, genetic engineering, cloning and DNA forensics as represented in media including news, film, literature and art. Discussion includes influence on society, attitudes towards science, domestic and foreign policy as well as medical practice and law. CA 3.

Last Refreshed: 03-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
3674 Storrs In Person O'Neill, Michael
O'Neill, Rachel
001 MoWe 10:10am‑11:00am
GENT 221 15/32
3675 Storrs In Person DeNegre, Katelyn 001D Fr 10:10am‑11:00am
CHM T213 9/16 3.00
3676 Storrs In Person DeNegre, Katelyn 002D Fr 11:15am‑12:05pm
CHM T212 6/16 3.00