Scholars Recognition

Babbidge and New England Scholar Recognition

Information about the recipients for the 2024 award cycle (spring 2024 & fall 2024) has been updated below and pin pick up schedules will be emailed to students by mid-to-late March.

The Awards

Babbidge Scholars for 2024


  • Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students;
  • Have completed at least 12 calculable credits for both the Spring and Fall semesters of the calendar year;
  • Courses taken on pass/fail or S/U graded courses are not calculable credit courses;
  • Earned a 4.000 (without rounding) semester grade point average (Semester GPA) for each semester in the calendar year (not an average of the two);
  • Temporary and incomplete grades must be completed to be considered for this award;
  • Grades must be posted in the Student Administration System as of January 30th.

Past recipients: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 20202019 | 20182017 |201620152014

(In recognition of this achievement, each recipient will receive a gold colored pin to mark the occasion.)


New England Scholars for 2024


  • Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students;
  • Have completed at least 12 calculable credits for both the Spring and Fall semesters of the calendar year;
  • Courses taken on pass/fail or S/U graded courses are not calculable credit courses;
  • Earned at least a 3.700 (without rounding) semester grade point average (Semester GPA) for each semester in the calendar year (not an average of the two);
  • Temporary and incomplete grades must be completed to be considered for this award;
  • Grades must be posted in the Student Administration System as of January 30th.

Past recipients: 202320222021 |2020 | 2019 | 201820172016 |20152014

(In recognition of this achievement, each recipient will receive a silver colored pin to mark the occasion.)

Late Grades

Any student with changes to his/her grade(s) (completion of incompletes, improved grades) after January 30th, should review the above criteria to determine if he/she now qualifies for either award. Any student who believes he/she does now meet the criteria based on grade change(s) may submit a request for consideration for one of the Scholars Day awards.

Students with late grades should send a message to the Honors Program asking to be considered for a New England Scholar or a Babbidge Scholar award.  The email request must include the student's name and ID#. The Honors Program will review all requests and notify students of their award status. As appropriate, students' names will be posted on the website for approved requests.

Scholars Day 2021 Event – March 2021

Scholars Day 2021 Virtual Ceremony

Babbidge Scholar Program 2021.pdf

New England Scholar Program 2021.pdf

Babbidge Scholar Criteria for 2020 Calendar Year Only 

  • Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students
  • Have completed at least 6 calculable credits for the Spring 2020 and at least 12 calculable credits for Fall 2020 semesters
  • Earned a 4.000 (without rounding) semester grade point average (SGPA) for each semester

New England Scholar Criteria for 2020 Calendar Year Only 

  • Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students
  • Have completed at least 6 calculable credits for the Spring 2020 and at least 12 calculable credits for Fall 2020 semesters
  • Earned at least a 3.700 (without rounding) semester grade point average (SGPA) for each semester (not an average of the two)