Babbidge and New England Scholar Recognition
Information about the recipients for the 2024 award cycle (spring 2024 & fall 2024) has been updated below and pin pick up schedules will be emailed to students by mid-to-late March.
The Awards
- Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students;
- Have completed at least 12 calculable credits for both the Spring and Fall semesters of the calendar year;
- Courses taken on pass/fail or S/U graded courses are not calculable credit courses;
- Earned a 4.000 (without rounding) semester grade point average (Semester GPA) for each semester in the calendar year (not an average of the two);
- Temporary and incomplete grades must be completed to be considered for this award;
- Grades must be posted in the Student Administration System as of January 30th.
Past recipients: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |2016| 2015 | 2014
(In recognition of this achievement, each recipient will receive a gold colored pin to mark the occasion.)
- Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students;
- Have completed at least 12 calculable credits for both the Spring and Fall semesters of the calendar year;
- Courses taken on pass/fail or S/U graded courses are not calculable credit courses;
- Earned at least a 3.700 (without rounding) semester grade point average (Semester GPA) for each semester in the calendar year (not an average of the two);
- Temporary and incomplete grades must be completed to be considered for this award;
- Grades must be posted in the Student Administration System as of January 30th.
Past recipients: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |2015| 2014
(In recognition of this achievement, each recipient will receive a silver colored pin to mark the occasion.)
Late Grades
Any student with changes to his/her grade(s) (completion of incompletes, improved grades) after January 30th, should review the above criteria to determine if he/she now qualifies for either award. Any student who believes he/she does now meet the criteria based on grade change(s) may submit a request for consideration for one of the Scholars Day awards.
Students with late grades should send a message to the Honors Program asking to be considered for a New England Scholar or a Babbidge Scholar award. The email request must include the student's name and ID#. The Honors Program will review all requests and notify students of their award status. As appropriate, students' names will be posted on the website for approved requests.
Scholars Day – March 2022
Scholars Day 2021 Event – March 2021
Scholars Day 2021 Virtual Ceremony
Babbidge Scholar Program 2021.pdf
New England Scholar Program 2021.pdf
Babbidge Scholar Criteria for 2020 Calendar Year Only
- Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students
- Have completed at least 6 calculable credits for the Spring 2020 and at least 12 calculable credits for Fall 2020 semesters
- Earned a 4.000 (without rounding) semester grade point average (SGPA) for each semester
New England Scholar Criteria for 2020 Calendar Year Only
- Undergraduate and/or Pharm.D. students
- Have completed at least 6 calculable credits for the Spring 2020 and at least 12 calculable credits for Fall 2020 semesters
- Earned at least a 3.700 (without rounding) semester grade point average (SGPA) for each semester (not an average of the two)