A full listing of Honors and Enrichment Program Staff can be found here, and a listing of Enrichment Administrative Staff can be found here.
Honors and Enrichment Programs Main Office
The Honors and Enrichment Programs Main Office located on the fourth floor of the John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education.

UConn Honors and Enrichment Programs – Main Office
ROWE 419, Unit 4147
368 Fairfield Way
Storrs, CT 06269-4147
Email: honors@uconn.edu
Phone: (860) 486-4223
Hours: The office hours of the Honors and Enrichment Programs Main Office are 9am-4pm Monday through Friday.
For more information about advising, please visit our Honors Advising page, https://honors.uconn.edu/honors-advising/.
Honors Program Buckley Office
You’ll also find members of the Honors team at the Buckley Residence Hall (part of the First Year Honors Residential Community). Contact the Honors Buckley Office for questions related to co-curricular requirements, Honors events, or Honors residential matters.

UConn Honors Program – Buckley Office
1276 Storrs Road, Unit 4159
Storrs, CT 06269-4159
Email: honors@uconn.edu
Phone: (860) 486-1616
Hours: If you need assistance with an Honors related matter, please email us at honors@uconn.edu. Thank you.
Honors Program Regional Offices
Beyond the Storrs campus, UConn’s four regional campus around the state also provide opportunities to engage in Honors and Enrichment Programs. For general questions about Honors Program opportunities at regional campuses, email us to be connected with the right staff member.
For all regional campus students, you are welcome to email Kaitlin Heenehan, Associate Director, Honors Program at the Regional Campuses, to schedule a meeting (Kaitlin rotates between all of the campuses and only occasionally uses Nexus). You can also schedule with any other Honors staff advisor (virtually) if you prefer.
For specific contacts at UConn Avery Point, Hartford, or Waterbury, see the Honors Coordinator listed for your campus or the Honors advisor listed for your major on your campus.
For UConn Stamford, the Honors & Enrichment Office location has changed to DWTN 2.01. Please check in using the QR code for Honors & Enrichment/Honors GPS at the front of the office. Stamford Honors GPS team members in-person and virtual hours are listed here. You are encouraged to make an appointment with Akosua Agyei or an Honors GPS team member at Stamford in advance. You can also drop-in during the Honors GPS hours.
Unsure who to ask? Please email honors@uconn.edu and we’ll get you to the right person.

All Honors and Enrichment Program offices are closed when the University of Connecticut is closed (due to major holidays or inclement weather).