2014 Honors Core Course Grant Competition: Proposal Format

The text of the proposal should be no more than four pages, with at least 10 point font and 1 inch margins. Please include the following information, in the order requested:

  1. Name(s) and Academic Title(s) of proposer(s)
  2. Email address(es) of proposer(s)
  3. Name of the sponsoring department(s) or program(s) as well as the current department or program head(s) who are approving this proposal.
  4. Title and course number of the proposed course; indicate whether this is a new course or course revision.
  5. Describe the proposed course, particularly the intended learning outcomes, course delivery, and assessment.
  6. Describe your project and the work still to be done prior to the course being offered as part of the Honors Core. Address course content, design, and/or pedagogy as appropriate.
  7. How will this project serve the objectives of the Honors Core and this competition? Please provide a rich, descriptive explanation.
  8. If applicable, for which General Education content areas and/or competencies (CA 1-4, W, Q) will the course be proposed, and how will it address the specific criteria for courses in these content areas and/or competencies? (Existing courses that are already approved for General Education credit must be re-approved after substantial revisions.)
  9. How will the proposed course add to and/or enhance existing course offerings? Which of the areas targeted by this year’s competition does it address? Does it fill other important gaps? How does it compare to current offerings or pedagogy?  What will be distinctive about the course?

In addition to the four-page (maximum) proposal, please include the following:

  • A budget for the project, including course development costs from the time of the award to the first offering of the course.
  • A project timeline from the time of the award to the first offering of the new or revised course. Major items from part 6 of the proposal (above) should be included in the timeline, as should any necessary committee approvals.
  • A statement of support from any sponsoring department or program head(s). This statement should confirm that the Honors Core course is expected to be offered every academic year for at least five years (or every other academic year for a total of five course offerings), not contingent upon any Honors Program funding beyond the initial award and the standard funding (equivalent to a 10-hour TA) provided for each offering of an Honors Core course.