Rowe Scholars Opportunities Abroad Funding

  • Julise Marsh on the path leading to the Great Wall of China

A Rowe Scholar may submit a Rowe Scholars Funding Request Form to apply for funding to support travel for an experience he/she finds beneficial to his/her goals of entering the health professions. Applications for funding need to be tightly aligned with a student’s professional goals, and the opportunity for which he/she is applying must be the most efficient and effective way for him/her to attain his/her goal. Students are advised to work with the Experiential Global Learning Office in their planning. No service learning or research component is required for trips to be eligible for funding.


Be prepared to include the following information with the Funding Request Form:

Please Note: It will take at least five weeks from the time your application is submitted for you to receive funding!


Description of the program you wish to attend
Line item budget that includes: (see Examples for Budget Preparation for more information)
– Copy of the program’s official budget
– Section in which you outline your personal budget, including any additional expenses not outlined in the official budget, and any additional sources of funding covering expenses
– Grand total
Documentation that supports the amounts used in the budget
Rationale for participation in activity; how it’s tightly aligned with your professional goals and how it’s the most efficient and effective way for you to attain your goals
Copy of the letter accepting you to the Education Abroad program (This may be submitted after the rest of the Rowe Opportunities Abroad Fund application materials.)
Participation in Rowe

Approved Requests

If a student has an outstanding balance owed the university when funds are awarded, those funds will be applied to the balance due. To make sure you receive your funding, you need to have a zero balance. 


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