Honors Courses: Fall 2024

4697W. Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science

1.00 credits

Prerequisites: Three credits of ANSC 2699 or 5692, which may be taken concurrently; ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to juniors or higher.

Grading Basis: Honors Credit

Writing of a formal thesis based on independent research conducted by the student. Thesis proposal and final thesis must follow guidelines developed by the department.

Last Refreshed: 03-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
7353 Storrs By Arrangement Zinn, Steven 001 Class meetings by arrangement 0/19 1.00
7354 Storrs By Arrangement Amalaradjou, Mary 002 Class meetings by arrangement 0/5 1.00
7355 Storrs By Arrangement Reed, Sarah 003 Class meetings by arrangement 0/19 1.00
7356 Storrs By Arrangement Govoni, Kristen 004 Class meetings by arrangement 0/4 1.00