Honors Courses: Spring 2023

4097. Honors Thesis Preparation Seminar

1.00 credits | May be repeated for credit.


Grading Basis: Honors Credit

Prepares students to tackle the honors thesis by covering the basics of the thesis process. Course content will focus on strategies to make the thesis manageable, organizational and writing skills, and discussion of seminar members' thesis projects and progress. In this seminar, students form a community of scholars to discuss and support each other's work.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
3291 Storrs In Person Brenick, Alaina
Klein, Sydney
001 12:00am‑12:00am
4/15 1.00