Honors Courses: Spring 2023

3101. Introduction to Marketing Management

Also offered as: BADM 3750

3.00 credits


Grading Basis: Graded

This course provides an introduction to key marketing principles and the foundation for advanced marketing electives. Students learn to explain the role of marketing in organizations, evaluate strategies and formulate recommendations. Students gain experience in using data to develop and effectively communicate marketing decisions.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
4339 Storrs In Person Ferguson, Kristen 002 MoWe 11:00am‑12:15pm
BUSN 127 4/5 3.00
14709 Storrs Online Herd, Kelly
Ferguson, Kristen
002D 12:00am‑12:00am
No Room Required - Online 4/5 3.00
1825 Storrs In Person Roy, Sandip 006 MoWe 9:30am‑10:45am
BUSN 127 3/5 3.00
14710 Storrs Online Herd, Kelly
Roy, Sandip
006D No Room Required - Online 3/5 3.00
9485 Storrs In Person Kan, Christina 010 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
BUSN 127 6/7 3.00
14711 Storrs Online Herd, Kelly
Kan, Christina
010D 12:00am‑12:00am
No Room Required - Online 6/7 3.00
7935 Storrs In Person Kan, Christina 014 TuTh 5:00pm‑6:15pm
BUSN 227 4/5 3.00
14712 Storrs Online Herd, Kelly
Kan, Christina
014D No Room Required - Online 4/5 3.00
11824 Stamford In Person Harris, Wynd Z82 We 3:35pm‑6:05pm
DWTN 131 2/1 3.00 In Person instruction is given by Professor Harris; Honors assignments are online and graded by Marketing Department Honors Coordinator Kelly Herd.
15874 Stamford Online Herd, Kelly
Harris, Wynd
Z82D No Room Required - Online 2/1 3.00