Carolyn D. Runowicz, M.D.
Director, Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
The Answer to Cancer…

Carolyn Runowicz, M.D., is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in women’s health, specifically gynecologic cancer. Her research career has been highlighted by developing innovative clinical trials in gynecologic oncology, with more than 200 publications. She is currently the Cancer Center Director at the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center, holds the Northeast Utilities Chair in Experimental Oncology, and is Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT.
Dr. Runowicz has held many leadership positions in national organizations. She was the first female president of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists in 2000. In November 2005, she was the national President of the American Cancer Society. She was recently appointed by President Bush to serve as a member of the National Cancer Advisory Board for a six year appointment and then, in August 2006, President Bush appointed her to serve as Chair on the National Cancer Advisory Board for a two year appointment. She has established the gynecologic follow-up protocols for women with breast cancer who are on selective estrogen receptor modulators, for treatment, adjuvant, and preventive settings. She has also testified before the Senate on mammographic screening.
As an educator, Dr. Runowicz has a long track record of teaching and mentoring medical students, residents, and fellows. Her career has demonstrated a focus and commitment to clinical practice, research, teaching, and administration. She is the author of several books for the public, including her most recent book, “The Answer to Cancer”.
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