Through a rigorous critical investigation of lived human experience, this course uses the lenses of theatre studies, performance studies, and cultural studies to analyze and articulate the parallels between sports and performance. Consideration of gender, sexuality, nationalism, race, human rights, and ethics will be mediated through readings, attendance at live athletic events, film/media viewings, written assignments, multimodal research presentations, experiential activities, and student-led discussions of various sports. Students will be assigned innovative writing prompts and participate in lively discussions to identify and examine the interrelated aesthetic, performative, and humanistic values in the arts and athletics.
Permission number A permission number is required. Please email and include (1) your name; (2) your 7-digit Student Admin number; (3) your registration “pick time”; (4) the course number and section; (5) the class number from Student Admin; and (6) confirmation that there are seats available in the class.