BADM/MENT 2240: Mastering Creativity and Innovation (Storrs)

[UConn Storrs]

Instructor: Nora Madjar

If you are currently a business student, register for MENT 2240. If you are not, register for BADM 2240.

Students improve their creative problem-solving and leadership skills in a way that fosters creativity and innovation in others – integral skills for the constantly changing business world. Engagement in a variety of experiential activities designed to help understand first-hand the situations which are most likely to add creative value when working on complex and/or loosely defined open-ended problems. Topics include the basic features of creativity and innovation processes and practical applications for how to facilitate, manage, and evaluate creative ideas and innovations in a work setting.

Students enrolled in the Honors sections will have an opportunity to work with real business creatives (individuals from creative industries or entrepreneurs) and explore what stimulates and what stifles their creativity and what supports their innovations in real life.
