[UConn Storrs]
Instructor: Lyle Scruggs
Prerequisites: POLS 2072Q or STAT 1000Q or SOCI 3211Q or equivalent.
Want to understand what really drives policy outcomes and political behavior? Want to hone software skills that will help to work in the world of policy analysis and public administration, and prepare yourself for graduate school? This advanced statistics course moves beyond basic polling to uncover the hidden patterns in politics. Using Stata and Excel, you’ll master the quantitative tools that leading social scientists and campaign analysts use to evaluate the outcomes of policies, measure political messaging effects, and analyze voting and social behavior. You’ll work with real research data and collect some of your own to develop valuable skills for careers in politics, policy, journalism, and data science. Learn how numbers truly shape our democracy. Enroll today in POLS 2073Q. To learn more, contact Professor Scruggs in the Department of Political Science (lyle.scruggs@uconn.edu).