Honors Courses: Fall 2023

3697W. Honors Thesis

3.00 credits


Grading Basis: Honors Credit

The student will collect and interpret data and will write the Honors Thesis, completing work begun during KINS 3615.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
6724 Storrs By Arrangement Lee, Elaine 001 12:00am‑12:00am
0/19 3.00
7518 Storrs By Arrangement Pescatello, Linda 002 12:00am‑12:00am
0/19 3.00
7519 Storrs By Arrangement Huggins, Robert 003 12:00am‑12:00am
0/19 3.00
12039 Storrs By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha 004 12:00am‑12:00am
0/19 3.00
17882 Storrs By Arrangement Glaviano, Neal 005 1/5 3.00