Honors Courses: Fall 2023

4902. Strategic Analysis

3.00 credits


Grading Basis: Graded

Capstone business policy course providing an integrative view of managing the different functional elements and activities of the enterprise. Focuses in particular on strategy formulation and implementation, extending from analysis of the enterprise's current situation, through determination of goals, objectives and direction, to establishment of plans and programs to bring these to fruition. Provides a broad perspective on how firms compete and position themselves in the external marketplace. Examines impact of technology and innovation on changing industry environments in which these activities take place. Course format includes extensive use of case studies and simulation exercises. Formerly offered as MGMT 4902.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
13945 Hartford Online Synchronous Victer, Rogerio H94 MoWe 11:15am‑12:30pm
No Room Required - Online 0/1 3.00
14171 Hartford Online Asynchronous Ghaddar, Sami H94D No Room Required - Online 0/1 3.00 Students will be required to participate in an event on November 10, 2023, which will take place off campus at the organization’s headquarters.
14006 Waterbury Online Synchronous Victer, Rogerio W32 MoWe 11:15am‑12:30pm
No Room Required - Online 0/1 3.00
14000 Waterbury Hybrid Limited Ghaddar, Sami W32D No Room Required - Online 0/1 3.00 Students will be required to participate in an event on November 10, 2023, which will take place off campus at the organization’s headquarters.
13937 Stamford Online Synchronous Victer, Rogerio Z82 MoWe 11:15am‑12:30pm
No Room Required - Online 0/1 3.00
13938 Stamford Online Asynchronous Ghaddar, Sami Z82D No Room Required - Online 0/1 3.00 Students will be required to participate in an event on November 10, 2023, which will take place off campus at the organization’s headquarters.