Honors Courses: Fall 2023

1100. General Psychology I

3.00 credits


Grading Basis: Graded

Basic principles that underlie mental processes and behavior; research methodology, biopsychology, sensation, perception, learning, memory and language. Ordinarily this course should be taken in the fall semester. CA 3.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
3856 Storrs In Person Sklenarik, Skyler 007L Tu 4:00pm‑5:20pm
WGC 300C 23/24 3.00
10386 Storrs In Person Hall, Caitrin 047L Mo 4:00pm‑5:20pm
WGC 300C 24/24 3.00
3859 Storrs In Person Harlow, Tylor 048L Th 2:00pm‑3:20pm
WGC 300C 24/24 3.00
3871 Storrs In Person Masi, Steven 057L Tu 4:00pm‑5:20pm
WGC 300B 24/24 3.00
14001 Waterbury In Person Astur, Robert W33 MoWe 1:25pm‑2:40pm
WTBY 333 7/9 3.00
2563 Stamford In Person Gresham, Lori Z90 MoWeFr 10:10am‑11:00am
DWTN A2 13/15 3.00 Honors Students Only Section
2656 Stamford In Person Gresham, Lori Z90D Fr 11:15am‑12:05pm
DWTN 222 13/15 3.00