Honors Courses: Fall 2023

1784. First-Year Honors Seminar

1.00 credits


Grading Basis: Honors Credit

An overview of some aspects of university education. Designed to help students set learning goals to be achieved during the baccalaureate experience.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Credits Notes
5950 Storrs In Person Boush, Lisa
Chancey, Jaclyn
001 TuTh 2:00pm‑2:50pm
ROWE 320 19/19 1.00 The Coming Storm—Hurricanes, Climate Change and Society
5961 Storrs In Person Hritcko, Philip
Chancey, Jaclyn
002 MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
PBB 334 19/19 1.00
8793 Storrs In Person Sanford, Keat
Chancey, Jaclyn
003 MoWe 4:40pm‑5:30pm
ROWE 318 18/19 1.00
5949 Storrs In Person Duffy, Valerie
Chancey, Jaclyn
004 MoWe 10:10am‑11:00am
ROWE 318 18/19 1.00
5962 Storrs In Person Schaefer, Jennifer
Chancey, Jaclyn
005 TuTh 2:00pm‑2:50pm
BRH 119 17/19 1.00 Beloved or Dangerous: History of Latin American Cities
5963 Storrs In Person Weingart, Edward
Chancey, Jaclyn
007 MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
ROWE 122 18/19 1.00
5948 Storrs In Person Lease Butts, Jennifer
Chancey, Jaclyn
008 MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
MCHU 307 19/19 1.00
5967 Storrs In Person Thorson, Robert
Chancey, Jaclyn
009 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:20pm
ROWE 131 18/19 1.00
6036 Storrs In Person Talbert, Ryan
Chancey, Jaclyn
010 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:20pm
ROWE 318 17/19 1.00
5964 Storrs In Person Morand, Olivier
Chancey, Jaclyn
011 TuTh 9:30am‑10:20am
SHH 337 17/19 1.00
6775 Storrs In Person Schwab, Emily
Chancey, Jaclyn
012 MoWe 12:20pm‑1:10pm
GENT 221 19/19 1.00
10363 Storrs In Person Best, Samuel
Chancey, Jaclyn
013 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:20pm
WOOD 004A 19/19 1.00
6109 Storrs In Person Blanchard, Bruce
Corso, Lauren
Chancey, Jaclyn
014 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:20pm
STRS 117 19/19 1.00 Stop Looking for Monsters Under Your Bed...... Order a Laboratory Test Instead
10352 Storrs In Person Lerman, Alina
Chancey, Jaclyn
015 TuTh 11:00am‑11:50am
MCHU 107 19/19 1.00
5965 Storrs In Person Lee, Jason
Chancey, Jaclyn
016 MoWe 3:35pm‑4:25pm
GENT 319 15/19 1.00
16461 Storrs In Person Lee, Elaine
Chancey, Jaclyn
017 MoWe 9:05am‑9:55am
MCHU 107 19/19 1.00
5946 Storrs In Person Angeles-Boza, Alfredo
Aguirre, Dafhne
Chancey, Jaclyn
018 TuTh 9:30am‑10:20am
GENT 246 19/19 1.00
8322 Storrs In Person Paul, Alison
Chancey, Jaclyn
019 MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
BISH 208 18/19 1.00
5966 Storrs In Person Wright, Bradley
Chancey, Jaclyn
021 MoWe 12:20pm‑1:10pm
MCHU 309 19/19 1.00
10450 Storrs In Person Schultz, Eric
Chancey, Jaclyn
022 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:20pm
MCHU 106 19/19 1.00 Scales, feathers, bones, and leaves: The world of natural history collections
6737 Storrs In Person Croucher, Sarah
Chancey, Jaclyn
023 TuTh 4:00pm‑4:50pm
MCHU 108 11/19 1.00
5951 Storrs In Person Valente, Diego
Chancey, Jaclyn
024 Th 11:00am‑11:50am
Tu 11:00am‑11:50am
CHM T212
GP 116
18/19 1.00
5983 Storrs In Person Seery, Thomas
Chancey, Jaclyn
025 MoWe 10:10am‑11:00am
ROWE 132 18/19 1.00
6128 Storrs In Person Cowan, Susanna
Chancey, Jaclyn
026 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:20pm
BRH 119 19/19 1.00
6438 Storrs In Person Buttrey, Daniel
Chancey, Jaclyn
028 MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
MCHU 107 19/19 1.00
10451 Storrs In Person Atkin, David
Chancey, Jaclyn
029 MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
ROWE 320 19/19 1.00
12331 Storrs In Person Leadbeater, Nicholas
Chancey, Jaclyn
030 TuTh 11:00am‑11:50am
HALL 104 19/19 1.00
6439 Storrs In Person Panella, Jessica
Chancey, Jaclyn
101 TuTh 11:00am‑11:50am
SHH 301 14/19 1.00
8325 Storrs In Person Sanford, Keat
Chancey, Jaclyn
102 MoWe 3:35pm‑4:25pm
ROWE 132 14/19 1.00
2474 Stamford In Person Pierrot, Gregory
Chancey, Jaclyn
Heenehan, Kaitlin
Z81 MoWe 11:15am‑12:05pm
DWTN 138 10/12 1.00
2605 Stamford In Person Bunyan, Laura
Chancey, Jaclyn
Heenehan, Kaitlin
Z82 TuTh 8:30am‑9:20am
DWTN 138 10/12 1.00
2595 Stamford In Person Borsai Basaran, Anne
Chancey, Jaclyn
Heenehan, Kaitlin
Z83 MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
DWTN 242 9/12 1.00 Open only to Honors students. Must be a freshman