As an Honors student, your learning will not be restricted to just what you are exposed to in your classes. In fact, many students say their most powerful learning occurs outside the classroom. Whether you call this engaged learning, experiential learning, or just being adventurous, we hope you will take full advantage of the myriad opportunities for learning beyond the classroom during your UConn years.
“Learning Beyond the Classroom” is one of the four “pillars” of an honors education that we espouse at UConn Honors. We encourage you to explore your options and select opportunities that especially speak to your interests, strengths, talents, and passions. Several special programs support Honors students with particular interests. Enrichment Programs, of which the Honors Program is a part, offer many opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. Enrichment Programs, other than Honors, are open to all UConn students, but these programs appeal especially to honors students. Other University offices also offer amazing opportunities.
The University of Connecticut has an impressive menu of enrichment programs and activities. We invite you to sample them freely and savor the experience!
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