Student News

PHIL 1101: Problems of Philosophy

Instructor: Donald Baxter

The purposes of Philosophy 1101 H are:

  1. to introduce students to some of the great thinkers and great issues of western philosophy.
  2. to train students in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and clear, persuasive speaking and writing.
  3. to promote reason and civil discourse in debates with others.

The course emphasizes that the sort of discussion taught in philosophy classes is an essential way of inquiring into matters of value, and so is important for coming to wise decisions on the personal, political, moral, religious, social, etc. issues faced by everyone in their lives. Topics include God and Religion, Mind, Self, Freedom, Morality, and Ethical Problems. The textbook will be John Cottingham, ed. Western Philosophy: An Anthology, 2nd Edition. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in class discussion, which will takes issues beyond the elementary exposition of non-honors sections.

(CA 1)

PP 1001: Introduction to Public Policy

Instructor: Ken Dautrich

This course provides an overview of the policy-making process in American government and the key areas of policy such as economic, environmental, social and foreign policy. In this honors section, students will select a policy of particular interest to them and conduct research on how that policy came to be and the impact it has had on American life.

(CA 2)

GEOG 1700-004: World Regional Geography

Instructor: Dean Hanink

World Regional Geography concerns a variety of global geographical patterns: environmental, cultural, economic, and others, that are related to the way the world works.  This course provides a brief survey of the patterns in general and then takes up selected continental-scale regions in turn for more specific investigation. World Regional Geography meets both the multicultural diversity (international perspective) and social science requirements of general education at UConn.  In meeting both it emphasizes the interaction between diverse groups of people both across and within many regions of the world. The course has weekly writing assignments and three tests.

(CA 2, CA 4-Int)

Spring 2015 Political Science Graduate Seminars

The political science department invites Honors students to consider taking one of the following graduate seminars. With your advisor’s approval, graduate courses may be included in your Honors Final Plan of Study for graduation. They also count toward your Honors participation requirements.

POLS/HRTS 5115: Theories of Human Rights
Zehra Arat

Description: It is often argued that since the Second World War we have been living in the “age of human rights.” Universal human rights have been articulated in and protected by proliferating international treaties, various demands for peace, justice and equality started to be framed as human rights issues, and the advocacy of human rights became a “full-time” job at bourgeoning institutions and organizations. The study of human rights has not only permeated many fields, it has become an interdisciplinary field of study. But, what are human rights? Where do they come from? Who has them? Who can enjoy them? Are there duties? What comes first, rights or duties? Who are the duty bearers? The course examines a range of answers presented since the ancient times and offers a survey of some major classical and contemporary theoretical debates. It also links theoretical arguments to certain articulations of rights and responsibilities in international law or policy proposals.

Readings and requirements: The reading assignments will include a number of books and articles that should be read prior to the class session. As a graduate seminar, the course relies on students’ participation and engagement in class discussions, and the quality and quantity of class participation will constitute at least 25 % of the final grade. Two or three members of the class will serve as discussion leaders for each session. The writing assignments will entail reflection essays and research papers of various lengths.

POLS 5235: Comparative Democratization
Oksan Bayulgen

This seminar is designed to provide students with an overview of the expansive literature on democratization. We will examine the literature on democratization to discern the major approaches, themes, debates surrounding regime change away from authoritarianism. We will focus on transitions to democratic rule in countries that have recently been ruled by authoritarian regimes, rather than the problems of insufficient democratic practices in advanced democracies. The seminar will be organized thematically rather than regionally with empirical cases drawn primarily from Latin America, Southern Europe, and post-communist states of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (my area of interest). We will investigate the meaning of democracy; the risks of reversion to authoritarianism; the factors that facilitate or impede democratic transition; the roles and strategies of elites and civil society organizations; problems with religion and interethnic conflicts in transitions; the role of institutions; the relationship between democratization and economic transformation; the effects of globalization on democratization etc. This is a survey course with the aim of helping the students identify the kinds of questions they may want to pursue in greater detail in the future.

POLS 5240: Research Seminar – Social Movements in an Age of Globalization
C. E. Zirakzadeh

Scope: This research seminar has three goals: (1) to introduce graduate students to various theories about social-movement politics, (2) to give students a chance to hone their research skills in a supportive environment, (3) to give students who specialize in different subfields of political science opportunities to exchange knowledge and ideas (this is not intended to be a “comparative politics” course, a “political theory” course, or even a “political science” course in the narrow sense of the term – graduate students in all subfields and all departments are welcomed!).

Readings: We will read eleven books – some quite old, some hot off the presses – that offer different theories about the origins, the nature, and the consequences of social-movement politics.

Format: At our weekly seminars, I will lecture occasionally. But, we will mainly discuss the meaning and significance of the assigned readings. At the end of the term, every student will have an opportunity deliver a 15-20 minute presentation at the sixth biannual UConn Graduate Student Social-Movement Research Conference (Yippee!). In addition, to receive credit each student must submit a 20-30 page research paper that will be due during finals week.

Grading Formula: 65% of each student’s grade will be based on the final research paper; 20% on the conference presentation (including pre-presentation drafts); and 15% on contributions to seminar discussions. Students can boost their conference-presentation and seminar-contribution grades by serving as a discussant at our end-of-the-term conference.

Undergraduate Enrollees: There will be space reserved for a maximum of three senior undergraduates. Such students must either be in the Honors Program or have previously taken a course with Dr. Zirakzadeh. Dr. Zirakzadeh will give permission numbers to the three students who are accepted into the class.

POLS 5408: An Introduction to American Public Opinion and Political Behavior
Shayla Nunnally

This course is an advanced undergraduate and graduate seminar serving as an introduction to American public opinion and political behavior. We will read, discuss, critique, and expand past and current research on American public opinion and political behavior through the lenses and experiences of multiple social groups in American politics. As such, special attention will be paid to debates about theories and methods implemented to study, explain, and document American political behavior. Major topical themes will include the study of cognition, affect, and psychological processing in identity, group attachments, opinion formation, ideologies, and political participation, along with mass public opinion (and opinion change, over time) about political actors, political institutions, and public policies in American politics. Additional emphasis will be paid to the creativity and development of innovative public opinion/political behavior studies.

POLS 5610: Research Design in Political Science
Michael Morrell

This course provides an initial overview of the variety of approaches used to structure research in political science. It will expose students to both qualitative and quantitative methods, including Interpretivism, Feminism, Intersectionality, Case Studies, Comparative Approaches, Textual Analysis, Historical Approaches, Field Research, Ethnography, Participant Observation, Surveys, Elite Interviewing, Focus Groups, and Experiments. We will also discuss Causation and Explanation, Concepts and Measurement, Multi-method Research, and Research Ethics. I hope that students walk away from the course with:

  • an appreciation for the wide variety of research design options that are available;
  • a respect for, and an open-mindedness to, a variety of approaches;
  • a willingness to judge the application of different approaches based on the quality of the work;
  • an understanding that no single approach is superior to any other approach simply because of the nature of that approach; and
  • an understanding that all approaches have strengths and weaknesses, and involve tradeoffs and choices.

Honors Enrollment: I will reserve space for up to three honors undergraduates to enroll in the course. This course is especially appropriate for junior honors students who will be completing a thesis next year that utilizes empirical research methods. You should contact me if you are interested in taking the course and include a brief explanation of the research project that will guide your senior honors thesis. I will give permission numbers to those students for whom the course is most appropriate.

FINA 3995-001: Protecting the Creative Spirit: The Law and the Arts (Conversion opportunity)

Instructors: Kate McGovern and Peter McGovern, UConn Law School

The instructors for this new class will be happy to offer Honors conversions for interested students.

An essential course for all students interested in careers in the arts (including creative writing!), law, library science, journalism, or non-profit cultural institutions. This course introduces students to the Law involved in creative practice. Topics addressed include national and international copyright law, trademarks, licensing, contract negotiations, and more. No background necessary.

LLAS 5105-001/HDFS 5002-001: Latina/os: Race, Reproduction, and Immigration

Instructor: Marysol Asencio

Professor Asencio invites Honors students to enroll in her new graduate course. With your Honors advisor’s approval, graduate courses may be included in your Honors Final Plan of Study for graduation. They also count toward your Honors participation requirements.

Description: This interdisciplinary social science course centers on the racial framing of the Latina/o population in the United States in terms of reproduction and immigration. This course utilizes an intersectional lens to explore the connections of race, gender, class, national origin, religion, and sexuality within structures of power, nation-building, citizenship, and the attending social and health inequities. The course begins with the development of the concept of race and racial concerns and policies targeting reproduction and immigration across key periods in U.S. history. Thus, providing a background to current debates/concerns, policies, and the material conditions of Latina/os and other minority populations in terms of reproduction and immigration. The course will cover structural racism and privilege, racial-ethnic identification, citizenship, documented and undocumented immigration, fertility, families, motherhood, children, reproductive health access and care as well as the structural continuation of social and health inequities within the United States. The course will also address the connections of race, reproduction and immigration in the United States with the global south.

Fall 2014 Political Science Graduate Seminars

The political science department invites Honors students to consider taking one of the following graduate seminars. With your advisor’s approval, graduate courses may be included in your Honors Final Plan of Study for graduation. They also count toward your Honors participation requirements.

Lyle Scruggs

Social Policy is a large, interdisciplinary field drawing liberally from disciplines of political science, sociology, and economics. It encompasses everything from national public pension programs to neighborhood drug rehabilitation programs. In terms of resource commitment, it is the guts of modern government policy in wealthy countries, and is likely to become so (if it is not already) in emerging countries.

This course is a theoretical overview of comparative social policy, with an emphasis on contemporary research on the political economy of welfare states in Europe and North America. The field ranges from rather abstract theoretical and “macro” to the very practical “micro” aspects of individual case work. We will pay most attention to the theoretical and “macro” issues in this class. (Neighborhood and casework levels are usually emphasized in Schools of Social Work and Public Administration.)

Prakash Kashwan

Introduction to the data analysis techniques most often used by political scientists. Requires no previous background in statistics.

Over the past several years that Professor Kashwan has taught this class, he has developed a ‘non-mathematical’ approach to introductory statistics. The focus of the class, instead is on helping students become adept at understanding and applying the tools of statistics to political and economic questions of the day. This approach facilitates quality student engagement in the group projects that students work on for the semester. The style and the contents of teaching have resonated with students, which is evident in anonymous student evaluations, such as the following comments:

“Quantitative terms and concepts were presented in a way that was easily understood by liberal arts students.”

“Professor Kashwan – YOU ARE SO POSITIVE! You have a great attitude, you keep the humor and morale up in class and you clearly care about the happiness and success of your students. You are my favorite professor for that reason.”

PSYC 3885-001: Special Topics: Community-Based Participatory Research in Obesity Prevention, I

Instructor: Amy Gorin

5 credit course. This course is intended to be taken as part of a year-long sequence; part II will be offered in Spring 2015.

This course provides a unique opportunity to study a complex health problem – obesity – from a social ecological perspective and to work with community partners to assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a statewide obesity prevention campaign using community-based participatory research methodology. Lectures focus on current obesity trends, causal factors of excessive weight, and the consequences of obesity. Community-based participatory research skills include focus groups, interviews, and environmental audits to develop an obesity prevention program that meets the needs of a diverse population. The course is designed for honors students and other advanced undergraduates with an interest in applied research, nutrition, physical activity, and health behavior change.

For more information about the course or the Obesity Prevention Learning Consortium, please contact Dr. Amy Gorin.

2013-14 Faculty Member of the Year Award: Annamaria Csizmadia

Dr. Annamaria Csizmadia’s educational journey has spanned thousands of miles and multiple disciplines. Born and raised in Hungary, she completed her secondary education at a boarding school that allowed her to delve into foreign languages. She studied Russian, German, English, and Latin in high school. Her growing proficiency in English and German ignited her intellectual curiosity about cultural diversity and her desire to pursue higher education outside her native country. Through a number of formal experiences and fortuitous encounters, she was afforded invaluable opportunities to live, work, and study in Germany and the United States.

She earned the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in English and German language and literature at the University of Trier in Germany. After studying in Germany for four years, she moved to the United States to pursue a master’s degree in German literature at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo. Although Dr. Csizmadia learned to appreciate the depth and breadth of German literature, by the end of her master’s studies, her academic interest changed from literary inquiries to analyses of cultural variation in human development. Thus, she shifted her academic training from humanities to social sciences and enrolled in the doctoral program in Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) at the University of Missouri. Inspired by personal experiences, close friendships, and cross-cultural studies, she began to research cultural diversity and ethnic-racial minority families, with particular focus on Black American youth, immigrant families, and multiracial children. She completed her doctoral degree in Human Development and Family Studies along with graduate certificates in Black Studies and International Development in 2008. Her dissertation research examined the role of racial identification in young Black-White biracial children’s social development from kindergarten through fifth grade.

In August 2008, Dr. Csizmadia joined the Human Development and Family Studies department at the University of Connecticut. She regularly teaches courses on individual and family development, diversity issues, adolescent development, and research methods at the Stamford regional campus, and occasionally a graduate course on early and middle childhood at Storrs. Through the years, she has mentored dozens of undergraduate students who completed research practica, internships, independent studies, as well as Honors thesis research. Several of her undergraduate students have won undergraduate research awards such as the SHARE Award, the SURF Award, and Travel Awards to attend national conferences.

Her research on racial identity, ethnic-racial socialization, and psychosocial development in multiracial and immigrant children has been disseminated at conferences nationally and internationally, and in well-recognized peer-reviewed journals such as Family, RelationsSocial DevelopmentParenting: Sciences and PracticeAdvances in Life Course ResearchSociological CompassJournal of Marriage and FamilyJournal of Black Psychology, and Maternal and Child Health Journal.

“It has been personally and professionally gratifying and inspiring for me to engage many of my undergraduate students at the Stamford campus in my research. It thrills me to see my students—many of whom remind me of myself (young, ambitious, first-generation college students, and of immigrant background)—jump at the opportunity to stretch themselves academically through involvement in research.”

2013-14 Faculty Member of the Year Award: Patrick Dragon

Patrick Dragon introduces himself to every class with the following: “Y’all can call me Pat. If you insist on an honorary, either Professor Pat or Doctor Dragon will do, so long as it alliterates!” Pat is proud to have been educated entirely through public school systems. A native of Hadley, Mass., Pat graduated from Hopkins Academy in 2001. Five years later, he completed his two bachelor’s degrees at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, with majors in physics, mathematics, and astronomy.

Pat was admitted to the Ph.D. program in mathematics at the University of California-Davis and started there in the fall of 2006. While a graduate student, Pat attended several courses in mathematical pedagogy and Socratic teaching methods, eventually leading workshops for students who sought extra help in math courses. Pat was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, as well as the William Karl Schwarze Award, for excellence in teaching and service to undergraduates. Pat finished his Ph.D. in the spring of 2011, with a research focus in applications of combinatorics to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.

Since finishing his Ph.D., Pat has been teaching at UConn in Storrs. In six short semesters, he has established a reputation as a challenging but energetic instructor. One student wrote, “I took Pat’s linear algebra class. He isn’t easy, but he is the best teacher I have had at UConn, by far. He is a very smart guy with a passion for math, and more importantly, a passion for teaching. If you’re looking for an interesting class, take Pat Dragon. If you’re looking for an easy class, get over yourself and take Pat Dragon anyway.”