Featured Courses

MCB 2610-008L: Fundamentals of Microbiology

This course has been cancelled for Fall 2017.

Instructor: Kathleen Feldman

The laboratory portion of the course will meet once a week for 3 hours and focus on developing basic laboratory skills (including but not limited to, developing aseptic technique, culturing, and differentiation of bacteria). Additionally, students will work on a semester-long research project that they design and carryout. Students will also meet weekly for a 75-minute period to discuss and analyze current publications in microbiology research, as well as laboratory methodology and results related to their research projects performed in the lab. Students will write a final research paper based on their findings and will give an oral presentation of their project at the end of the semester.

CHEM 2441 or 2443 is a required pre- or co-requisite. BIOL 1107 is a recommended prerequisite.

EEB 3205: Current Issues in Environmental Science

Instructor: Chris Simon

There’s not just one future, there are Alternative Futures.

Focusing on current events… Interactions of humans and the environment, shifting baselines, tradeoffs, problem-solving, climate change, population growth, biodiversity, restoration, alternative energy, throwaway society, risk assessment, brave
new world, alternative futures.

Suitable for all majors and all class levels.

PHIL 1102-001: Philosophy & Logic

Instructor: Clifford Roth

When you attend class, talk with your roommate, watch television, or surf the Internet, you face decisions about what to believe.  Should you accept a newspaper editor’s claim that the pharmaceutical industry has too much power to set drug prices?  Should you agree with a website’s conclusion that stem cell research has the potential to cure Muscular Dystrophy?  Should you be persuaded by your roommate’s claim that a particular herbal tea can prevent you from getting the common cold?  The answers to these questions depend on the quality of the arguments provided in each case.

In this course, you will learn how to identify, evaluate, and construct arguments.  Your readings, written assignments, and oral presentations will focus on contemporary issues in the healthcare field.  We will examine arguments as they appear in a range of topics, including such questions as: Should euthanasia be legal? Is the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) a success or could Congress make improvements?  Is the administration of vaccines a public health issue or one of personal choice?

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ENGL 3113W-01: Renaissance English Literature

Instructor: Clare Costley King’oo

Prerequisite: English 1010 or 1011 or 2011 or 3800

This course, designed with Honors students in mind, delves into the major writers and literary traditions of England from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the middle of the seventeenth century (or, roughly, from Sir Thomas More and Sir Thomas Wyatt to John Donne and John Milton). Our principal aim will be to familiarize ourselves with the most popular genres of the time, including autobiography, martyrology, lyric verse, epic poetry, prose fiction, and drama. We will also investigate how the literature of the period interacted with contemporary social, cultural, and economic upheavals—such as the arrival of the printing press, the development of Humanist thought, the growth of capitalist enterprise, the exploration and conquest of the new world, the expansion of the enclosure movement, and the often-violent religious conflicts of the Reformation. Our discoveries will be the focus of our own rigorous writing practices, as we work on improving our argumentative and stylistic skills through a range of reports and essays (with revisions). Lively participation in class discussions will be expected and warmly encouraged. Students who have already completed an early English literature course (British Literature I, Medieval English Literature, or Shakespeare, for example) will be particularly well prepared for this class.

ENGL 2405-01: Drama

Instructor: Sarah Winter

Prerequisite: ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011 or 3800

This course will provide an introduction to the history and performance of drama. We will study major plays and changing theatrical conventions from classical Greek drama to the present. Requirements: a 5-7 page paper and an 8-10 page paper; a small group presentation; and a final exam.

ENGL 1701-03: Creative Writing I

Instructor: Sean Forbes

Prerequisite: ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011 or 3800

The Speaker: The Eye of the Poem and the Short Story

According to Frances Mayes, “the poet ‘finds’ the right speaker and the right listener, usually by trying out several approaches.” In this introduction to creative writing class we will examine the different approaches that a writer can take when trying to establish a speaker in a poem or short story. We will look at exemplary works of poetry and fiction from writers like Robert Hayden, Elizabeth Bishop, Richard Blanco, and Justin Torres. Students will produce a final portfolio of their original work. Class participation is an essential component to this largely workshop-based course along with weekly writing prompts such as writing in iambic pentameter and challenging prose sketches.

GEOG 3350: Global Change, Local Action: A Geography of Environmentalism (conversion opportunity)

Instructor: Mark Boyer

While this is not an Honors course, Prof. Boyer welcomes Honors students of all levels and majors and encourages Honors conversions. If you do not have junior standing, contact Dr. Boyer for a permission number.

This course in human geography focuses on two primary sets of linkages:

  1. Global-local linkages in an age of accelerating globalization
  2. Human-environment interactions

Additionally, the course will explore the interaction between those two sets of linkages, their geographical context, policy implications and their ever-evolving status in today’s contemporary world. Fundamental to the course are considerations of scale as we move from the global to the regional to the local and seek to understand how each spatial realm impacts the others. Moreover, emphasizing systemic thinking throughout the course, the latter part of the course employs a future modeling simulation that will allow students to build scenarios about world and regional futures.

This is also a course that requires active participation by students in all aspects of the course. You will need to participate in class discussions, read assigned materials, work in groups to solve problems and use computers in a variety of ways in the course. Thus, students should be prepared for an active learning environment that is flexible and adaptable to a variety of approaches and learning styles. Students are encouraged to ask questions, to raise interesting topics and to explore the world of global environmental politics in new and creative ways. Only by doing this will the next generation of citizens and policy-makers be able to meet the environmental challenges facing the world system now and in the future.

Course Methods:

  • The first half of the course will utilize case method teaching. Case method is a discussion-centric teaching model.
  • The second will make use of the International Futures Simulation (IFS) – see http://pardee.du.edu/ for more information.

KINS 6094: Genomics of Inherited Metabolic Diseases

Instructor: Elaine Lee

With your advisor’s approval, graduate courses may be included in your Honors Final Plan of Study for graduation. They also count toward your Honors participation requirements.

This graduate level seminar covers the basics of genetics and genomics, personalized and genomic medicine, clinical pathophysiologies, therapeutic approaches, and research into mechanisms of common genetic diseases.  This is a wonderful course for anyone interested in understanding genetics and genomics in an interdisciplinary way, organized by disease and the affected biochemical pathways. Our discussion of sophisticated and technical topics is always based on Personalized Medicine with an applied/clinical perspective and will help students gain literacy in some difficult-to-understand topics in an accessible way.

Contact Dr. Lee for a permission number to enroll.


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POLS 5505: Seminar in Public Law

Instructor: Kristin Kelly

With your advisor’s approval, graduate courses may be included in your Honors Final Plan of Study for graduation. They also count toward your Honors participation requirements.

This course focuses on the relationship between law and U.S. society.  In this seminar, law will be approached as both a political and a cultural institution that constitutes and is constituted by the society within which it operates.  The course is organized thematically and will include topics such as the definition of law, law’s violence, law and identity, feminist legal theory, law and social change, law and the “problem” of litigation, and law and social control.

The class will follow a seminar format and the majority of each class period will be devoted to discussing the assigned readings.  Participation in seminar discussions is therefore expected as a major component of your responsibilities in this class.

If you have questions about the course or if you would like to request a permission number to enroll please contact Professor Kristin Kelly (kkelly@uconn.edu).

ENGL 1616W-001: Major Works of English and American Literature

Topic: The Art of Storytelling

Instructor: Clare Costley King’oo

Prerequisite: ENGL 1010, 1011, or 2011

In this Honors course, designed primarily for non-English-majors, we will encounter several works judged to be literary masterpieces. Our aim will be to explore the art of imaginative story-telling over time, from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century (i.e., from Chaucer to Achebe). We will consider questions of narration, representation, genre, literary authority, intertextuality, and canonicity. Our discoveries will be the focus of our own rigorous writing practices, as we work on improving our argumentative and stylistic skills through a range of reports and essays (with revisions). Lively participation in class discussions will be expected and warmly encouraged.

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