Honors Courses: Spring 2025

Last Refreshed: 30-JAN-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Link Campus Subj Cat # Sect Credits Course Title Instruction Mode Instructor Content Area Schedule Enrollment
Storrs ACCT 2001 011D 3.00 Principles of Financial Accounting OA - Online Asynchronous Cansler, Suzanne
Lerman, Alina
Storrs ACCT 2001 012D 3.00 Principles of Financial Accounting OA - Online Asynchronous Cansler, Suzanne
Lerman, Alina
Storrs AH 1030 001 3.00 Interdisciplinary Approach to Obesity Prevention P - In Person Duffy, Valerie CA3, TOI6 MoWeFr 12:20pm‑1:10pm
Storrs AH 4095 001 1.00 Special Topics P - In Person Ordway, Cheryl We 3:35pm‑4:25pm
Storrs AH 4239 002 2.00 Research Methods in Allied Health P - In Person Malek, Jessica Mo 2:30pm‑4:20pm
Storrs AH 4240W 008 1.00 Writing for Allied Health Research P - In Person Malek, Jessica COMPW We 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Storrs AH 4289 001 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Blanchard, Bruce 0/5
Storrs AH 4289 002 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Corso, Lauren 0/5
Storrs AH 4289 003 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Shrestha, Roman 0/5
Storrs AH 4289 004 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Waring, Molly 0/5
Storrs AH 4289 005 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Pagoto, Sherry 0/1
Storrs AH 4289 006 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Malek, Jessica 0/5
Storrs AH 4289 007 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Duffy, Valerie 0/5
Waterbury AH 4289 331 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Kokay Valente, Pablo 0/3
Waterbury AH 4289 332 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Rosen, Aviana 0/3
Waterbury AH 4289 333 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Thesis Research in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement McSorley, Anna-Michelle 0/3
Storrs AH 4297W 001 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Blanchard, Bruce COMPW 1/5
Storrs AH 4297W 002 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Duffy, Valerie COMPW 0/5
Storrs AH 4297W 003 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Shrestha, Roman COMPW 2/5
Storrs AH 4297W 004 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Corso, Lauren COMPW 1/5
Storrs AH 4297W 009 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Malek, Jessica COMPW 2/5
Storrs AH 4297W 010 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Pagoto, Sherry COMPW 0/5
Storrs AH 4297W 011 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Waring, Molly COMPW 2/5
Storrs AH 4297W 012 3.00 Honors Thesis in Allied Health Sciences AR - By Arrangement Wilson, Lauren COMPW 1/1
Storrs ANSC 4697W 001 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement D'Amico, Dennis COMPW 0/19
Storrs ANSC 4697W 002 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Zinn, Steven COMPW 0/19
Storrs ANSC 4697W 003 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Govoni, Kristen COMPW 1/19
Storrs ANSC 4697W 005 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Reed, Sarah COMPW 0/19
Storrs ANSC 4697W 007 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Nadeau, Jenifer COMPW 0/19
Storrs ANSC 4697W 008 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Amalaradjou, Mary COMPW 0/19
Storrs ANSC 4697W 009 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Safran, Amy COMPW 0/5
Storrs ANSC 4697W 010 1.00 Undergraduate Honors Thesis Writing in Animal Science AR - By Arrangement Fragomeni, Breno COMPW 0/5
Storrs ANTH 1000 001D 3.00 Peoples and Cultures of the World P - In Person Saki, Fatemeh CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 Fr 9:05am‑9:55am
Storrs ANTH 1000W 001D 3.00 Peoples and Cultures of the World P - In Person Kelsey, Brady CA2, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI2, TOI5 Fr 12:20pm‑1:10pm
Storrs ANTH 1006 001D 3.00 Introduction to Anthropology P - In Person Burke, Braeden CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 Fr 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Storrs ANTH 2000 001D 3.00 Social Anthropology P - In Person Smith, Elyse CA2, CA4, TOI2, TOI3 Fr 11:15am‑12:05pm
Storrs ANTH 2600 001 4.00 Microscopy in Applied Archaeobotany Research P - In Person Smith, Alexia
Darcy, Audra
CA3LAB, TOI6L Tu 12:30pm‑3:00pm
Storrs ANTH 4097W 001 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Tryon, Christian COMPW 0/10
Storrs ANTH 4097W 002 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Sosis, Richard COMPW 0/10
Storrs ANTH 4097W 005 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Hartman, Gideon COMPW 0/10
Storrs ANTH 4097W 075 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Munro, Natalie COMPW 1/12
Waterbury BIOL 1109 331 1.00 Topics in Modern Biology P - In Person Preston-Berlin, Susan
Trumbo, Stephen
Mo 4:40pm‑5:30pm
Storrs BME 3700 007L 4.00 Biomaterials P - In Person Deymier, Alix
Gielo-Perczak, Krystyna
We 8:00am‑11:00am
Storrs BME 3700 008L 4.00 Biomaterials P - In Person Deymier, Alix
Gielo-Perczak, Krystyna
We 3:35pm‑6:35pm
Storrs BME 3700 009L 4.00 Biomaterials P - In Person Deymier, Alix
Gielo-Perczak, Krystyna
Mo 8:00am‑11:00am
Storrs BME 3700 010L 4.00 Biomaterials P - In Person Deymier, Alix
Gielo-Perczak, Krystyna
Mo 3:35pm‑6:35pm
Storrs BME 3700 012L 4.00 Biomaterials P - In Person Deymier, Alix
Gielo-Perczak, Krystyna
Fr 8:00am‑11:00am
Storrs BME 4910W 002 3.00 Biomedical Engineering Design II P - In Person Gielo-Perczak, Krystyna
Kumavor, Patrick
COMPW Fr 1:25pm‑5:25pm
Storrs BUSN 4897W 001 3.00 Honors Leadership Seminar OS - Online Synchronous D'Auria, Nell COMPW Mo 6:30pm‑9:00pm
Storrs CHEG 2111 002D 3.00 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I P - In Person Qin, Yang Th 11:00am‑11:50am
Storrs CHEG 3151 002D 3.00 Process Kinetics P - In Person Quiles-Galarza, Genesis Fr 3:35pm‑4:25pm
Storrs CHEM 1148Q 043 Honors General Chemistry II P - In Person Adamson, Douglas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs CHEM 1148Q 072L 4.00 Honors General Chemistry II P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Anthoni Pererage, Rumesha
CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L Mo 11:15am‑2:15pm
Storrs CHEM 1148Q 075L 4.00 Honors General Chemistry II P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Anthoni Pererage, Rumesha
CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L We 8:00am‑11:00am
Storrs CHEM 1148Q 171L 4.00 Honors General Chemistry II P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Srivastava, Deep
CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L Mo 2:30pm‑5:30pm
Storrs CHEM 1148Q 173L 4.00 Honors General Chemistry II P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Bandara, Nishadi
CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L Tu 2:30pm‑5:30pm
Storrs CHEM 1148Q 174L 4.00 Honors General Chemistry II P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Bandara, Nishadi
CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L Tu 6:00pm‑9:00pm
Storrs CHEM 2444 004 3.00 Organic Chemistry HB - Hybrid Leadbeater, Nicholas TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs CHEM 4196W 001 3.00 Thesis for Undergraduate Chemistry Majors AR - By Arrangement Leadbeater, Nicholas COMPW 3/5
Storrs CHEM 4196W 002 3.00 Thesis for Undergraduate Chemistry Majors AR - By Arrangement Adamson, Douglas COMPW 1/5
Storrs CHEM 4196W 003 3.00 Thesis for Undergraduate Chemistry Majors AR - By Arrangement Suib, Steven COMPW 1/5
Storrs CHEM 4196W 004 3.00 Thesis for Undergraduate Chemistry Majors AR - By Arrangement Brueckner, Christian COMPW 1/5
Storrs CHEM 4196W 005 3.00 Thesis for Undergraduate Chemistry Majors AR - By Arrangement Mani, Tomoyasu COMPW 1/5
Storrs COGS 4596W 035 3.00 Senior Thesis in Cognitive Science AR - By Arrangement Yee, Eiling COMPW 0/19
Storrs COMM 4997W 001 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Atkin, David COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 002 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Borsai Basaran, Anne COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 003 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Bellur, Saraswathi COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 005 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Christensen, John COMPW 1/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 006 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Farrar, Kirstie COMPW 1/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 007 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement D'alessio, David COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 008 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Davis, Sharde COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 009 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Denes, Amanda COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 010 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Hamilton, Mark COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 011 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Kalnova, Svetlana COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 012 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Lachlan, Kenneth COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 013 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Lin, Carolyn COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 014 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Meade, Thomas COMPW 1/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 015 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Nowak, Kristine COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 016 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Oeldorf-Hirsch, Anne COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 017 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Page, Tyler COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 018 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Rios, Diana COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 019 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Steinke, Jocelyn COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 020 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Stifano, Sara COMPW 2/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 021 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Stifano, Stephen COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 022 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement McGloin, Rory COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 023 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Hintz, Elizabeth COMPW 0/10
Storrs COMM 4997W 024 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Suk, Jiyoun COMPW 0/10
Storrs CSE 3500 004 3.00 Algorithms and Complexity P - In Person Aguiar, Derek TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs DGS 4997 001 3.00 Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Anamani, Denise
LaRue, Angela
Storrs DMD 4086 001 3.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Scheinfeldt, Tom 0/2
Storrs DRAM 4901 002 1.00 - 3.00 Senior Project AR - By Arrangement Macki, AC 0/6
Storrs ECE 3101 002D 3.00 Signals and Systems P - In Person Zhang, Liang We 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Storrs ECE 3101 004D 3.00 Signals and Systems P - In Person Zhang, Liang We 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Storrs ECE 3111 003D 4.00 Systems Analysis and Design P - In Person Wang, Yichao We 11:15am‑12:05pm
Storrs ECE 4211 002 3.00 Semiconductor Devices and Nanostructures P - In Person Jain, Faquir
Parent, Elisa
TuTh 8:00am‑9:15am
Storrs ECE 4900W 003 1.00 Communicating Engineering Solutions in a Societal Context OA - Online Asynchronous Zhou, Shengli COMPW 2/2
Storrs ECE 4900W 004 1.00 Communicating Engineering Solutions in a Societal Context P - In Person Katsouleas, Thomas COMPW Mo 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Storrs ECE 4902 002 3.00 Electrical and Computer Engineering Design II HL - Hybrid Limited Zhang, Liang
Bai, Yishu
Bazzi, Ali
Biyikli, Necmi
Cao, Yang
Chandy, John
Dani, Ashwin
Gokirmak, Ali
Gupta, Shalabh
Park, Sung
Wang, Lei
Zuo, Shan
Fr 1:25pm‑4:25pm
Storrs ECON 1108 001 3.00 Game Theory in the Natural and Social Sciences P - In Person Bar, Talia CA2, TOI5, TOI6 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Stamford ECON 1108 801 3.00 Game Theory in the Natural and Social Sciences OS - Online Synchronous Knoblauch, Vicki CA2, TOI5, TOI6 TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs ECON 1201 030 3.00 Principles of Microeconomics P - In Person Furtado, Delia CA2, TOI5, TOI6 MoWe 4:40pm‑5:55pm
Waterbury ECON 1201 333 3.00 Principles of Microeconomics P - In Person Lanza, Steven CA2, TOI5, TOI6 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Waterbury ECON 1201 334 3.00 Principles of Microeconomics P - In Person Lanza, Steven CA2, TOI5, TOI6 TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs ECON 1202 030 3.00 Principles of Macroeconomics P - In Person Lee, Keuncheol CA2, TOI5, TOI6 TuTh 9:30am‑10:45am
Storrs ECON 1202 040 3.00 Principles of Macroeconomics P - In Person Jiang, Shangyue CA2, TOI5, TOI6 MoWeFr 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Storrs ECON 2120 001 3.00 Honors Core: Rights and Harms P - In Person Langlois, Richard CA1 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
Storrs ECON 4494W 001 3.00 Seminar in Economics P - In Person Cosgel, Metin COMPW TuTh 9:30am‑10:45am
Storrs ECON 4497W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Economics AR - By Arrangement Langlois, Richard COMPW 1/5
Storrs ECON 4497W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Economics AR - By Arrangement Cosgel, Metin COMPW 1/5
Storrs ECON 4497W 003 3.00 Senior Thesis in Economics AR - By Arrangement Couch, Kenneth COMPW 1/5
Storrs ECON 4497W 004 3.00 Senior Thesis in Economics AR - By Arrangement Svalestad, Owen COMPW 1/5
Stamford EEB 2100E 802 3.00 Global Change Ecology P - In Person Fusco, Nicole CA3, COMPE, TOI4, TOI6 TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs EEB 4896W 001 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Goffinet, Bernard COMPW 1/5
Storrs EEB 4896W 002 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Yuan, Yaowu COMPW 2/5
Storrs EEB 4896W 003 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement McAssey, Edward COMPW 1/5
Storrs EEB 4896W 004 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Jockusch, Elizabeth COMPW 2/5
Storrs EEB 4896W 005 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Urban, Mark COMPW 1/5
Storrs EEB 4896W 006 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Knutie, Sarah COMPW 1/5
Storrs EEB 4896W 007 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Rubega, Margaret COMPW 1/5
Avery Point EEB 4896W 660 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology AR - By Arrangement Finiguerra, Michael COMPW 1/1
Storrs EGEN 3200 001 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
MoWe 11:15am‑12:05pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 001D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 11:15am‑12:05pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 002D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 003D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 011 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
MoWe 12:20pm‑1:10pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 011D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 11:15am‑12:05pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 012D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 12:20pm‑1:10pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 013D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 021 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 021D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 12:20pm‑1:10pm
Storrs EGEN 3200 022D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership P - In Person Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Hartford EGEN 3200 701 Peer Mentoring and Leadership PR - In Person Remote Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Hartford EGEN 3200 701D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership HL - Hybrid Limited Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Stamford EGEN 3200 801 Peer Mentoring and Leadership PR - In Person Remote Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
MoWe 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Stamford EGEN 3200 801D 3.00 Peer Mentoring and Leadership HL - Hybrid Limited Chancey, Jaclyn
Joslyn, Donielle
Fr 1:25pm‑2:15pm
Storrs EGEN 4197 001 3.00 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation AR - By Arrangement Back, Michele 1/5
Storrs EGEN 4197 002 3.00 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation AR - By Arrangement Kaufman, Douglas 1/5
Storrs EGEN 4197 003 3.00 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation AR - By Arrangement Dostal, Hannah 1/5
Storrs EGEN 4197 004 3.00 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation AR - By Arrangement Simonsen, Brandi 1/5
Storrs EGEN 4197 005 3.00 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation AR - By Arrangement Siegle, Del 2/5
Storrs EGEN 4197 006 3.00 Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation AR - By Arrangement Little, Catherine 2/5
Storrs ENGL 1007 003 4.00 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition P - In Person Reinwald, Elizabeth MoWe 2:30pm‑4:25pm
Storrs ENGL 1007 006 4.00 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition P - In Person Geer, Gretchen TuTh 9:30am‑11:25am
Storrs ENGL 3240E 001 3.00 American Nature Writing P - In Person Franklin, Wayne COMPE TuTh 9:30am‑10:45am
Storrs ENGL 4897 001 3.00 Honors VIII: Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Williams, Erika 9/20
Avery Point ENGL 4897 660 3.00 Honors VIII: Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Bedore, Pamela 1/5
Storrs ERTH 1000E 003 3.00 The Human Epoch: Living in the Anthropocene P - In Person Thorson, Robert CA3, COMPE, TOI4, TOI6 TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs FNCE 3101 008 3.00 Financial Management P - In Person Qiu, Liping MoWe 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs FNCE 3101 009 3.00 Financial Management OB - Online Blended Bailey, Kathleen Fr 4:00pm‑5:30pm
Fr 4:00pm‑5:30pm
Storrs FNCE 3101 010 3.00 Financial Management P - In Person Carstensen, Fred TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs FNCE 3101 011 3.00 Financial Management P - In Person Carstensen, Fred TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
Stamford FNCE 3101 882 3.00 Financial Management P - In Person Pancak, Katherine TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
Storrs FNCE 4997W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Finance AR - By Arrangement Qian, Yiming COMPW 1/5
Storrs FNCE 4997W 006 3.00 Senior Thesis in Finance AR - By Arrangement Wilson, Steve COMPW 1/5
Storrs FNCE 4997W 007 3.00 Senior Thesis in Finance AR - By Arrangement Amati, Alexander COMPW 2/5
Storrs FNCE 4997W 015 3.00 Senior Thesis in Finance AR - By Arrangement Rakotomavo, Michel COMPW 0/5
Storrs FNCE 4997W 017 3.00 Senior Thesis in Finance AR - By Arrangement Qiu, Liping COMPW 1/5
Stamford FNCE 4997W 801 3.00 Senior Thesis in Finance AR - By Arrangement Pancak, Katherine COMPW 1/5
Storrs FREN 1171 002D 3.00 French Cinema P - In Person Elsaid, Fadi
Ladha, Hassanaly
CA1, CA4INT Mo 5:30pm‑6:20pm
Waterbury HDFS 1070 332 3.00 Individual and Family Development P - In Person Chapman, Brian CA2, TOI5 TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs HDFS 3092 005 1.00 - 6.00 Research Practicum in Human Development and Family Sciences AR - By Arrangement Russell, Beth 0/2
Hartford HDFS 3141 701 3.00 Developmental Approaches to Intergroup Relations and Victimization PR - In Person Remote Brenick, Alaina CA2, CA4, TOI2, TOI3 Tu 4:00pm‑6:30pm
Storrs HDFS 4087W 001 3.00 - 6.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Britner, Preston COMPW 1/5
Storrs HDFS 4087W 002 3.00 - 6.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Berthelot, Terry COMPW 1/5
Storrs HDFS 4087W 003 3.00 - 6.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement LaRusso, Maria COMPW 1/5
Hartford HDFS 4087W 701 3.00 - 6.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Brenick, Alaina COMPW 1/5
Stamford HDFS 4087W 801 3.00 - 6.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Samuel, Vida COMPW 1/2
Storrs HDFS 4097 001 1.00 Honors Thesis Preparation Seminar AR - By Arrangement Lombardi, Caitlin
Renley, Benton
Hartford HIST 1400 702 3.00 Modern Western Traditions P - In Person Roy Chowdhury, Sharmishtha CA1, TOI2, TOI5 TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Stamford HIST 3540E 803D 3.00 Environmental History of the Americas P - In Person Plater, Mars CA1, CA4, COMPE, TOI2, TOI4 Th 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Th 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Th 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Th 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Storrs HIST 4997W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Feeney, Kevin COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Fernandez, Rodolfo COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 003 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Costigliola, Frank COMPW 2/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 004 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Della Zazzera, Elizabeth COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 005 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Baldwin, Peter COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 006 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement McElya, Micki COMPW 0/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 007 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Ogbar, Jeffrey COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 008 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Ceglio, Clarissa COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 009 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Kane, Brendan COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 010 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Theiss, William COMPW 1/5
Storrs HIST 4997W 011 3.00 Senior Thesis in History AR - By Arrangement Zatsepine, Victor COMPW 1/5
Storrs JOUR 3087 001 1.00 Honors Thesis Preparation Seminar AR - By Arrangement Shanahan, Marie 0/5
Storrs JOUR 3097 001 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Shanahan, Marie 0/6
Storrs KINS 3610 001 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 002 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Casa, Douglas 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 003 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Earp, Jacob 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 004 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Colon-Semenza, Cristina 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 005 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Lee, Elaine 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 007 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 008 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Rizzo, Jon 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 009 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Devaney, Laurie 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 010 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Pescatello, Linda 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 011 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement DiStefano, Lindsay 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 012 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Capetta, Maryclaire 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 013 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Glaviano, Neal 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 014 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Kwon, Oh 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 015 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Huggins, Robert 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 016 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Singe, Stephanie 0/30
Storrs KINS 3610 017 3.00 Introduction to Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Harrison, Steven 0/30
Storrs KINS 3615 001 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Casa, Douglas 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 002 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Lee, Elaine 0/30
Storrs KINS 3615 003 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha 0/20
Storrs KINS 3615 004 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Colon-Semenza, Cristina 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 006 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Earp, Jacob 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 008 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Rizzo, Jon 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 009 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Devaney, Laurie 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 010 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Pescatello, Linda 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 011 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement DiStefano, Lindsay 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 012 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Capetta, Maryclaire 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 013 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Glaviano, Neal 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 014 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Kwon, Oh 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 015 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Huggins, Robert 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 016 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Singe, Stephanie 0/10
Storrs KINS 3615 017 3.00 Honors Literature Review AR - By Arrangement Harrison, Steven 0/10
Storrs KINS 3697W 002 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Casa, Douglas COMPW 2/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 003 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Lee, Elaine COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 004 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Colon-Semenza, Cristina COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 006 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Earp, Jacob COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 007 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha COMPW 3/5
Storrs KINS 3697W 008 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Rizzo, Jon COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 009 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Devaney, Laurie COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 010 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Pescatello, Linda COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 011 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement DiStefano, Lindsay COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 013 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Glaviano, Neal COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 014 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Kwon, Oh COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 015 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Huggins, Robert COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 016 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Singe, Stephanie COMPW 0/19
Storrs KINS 3697W 017 3.00 Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Harrison, Steven COMPW 1/19
Storrs MATH 1132Q 016D 4.00 Calculus II P - In Person Zhou, Xinkai COMPQ We 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Storrs MATH 2110Q 145D 4.00 Multivariable Calculus P - In Person Fu, Yuxiao COMPQ Fr 11:15am‑12:05pm
Storrs MATH 2210Q 003 3.00 Applied Linear Algebra P - In Person Minn-Thu-Aye, Myron COMPQ TuTh 9:30am‑10:45am
Storrs MATH 2410Q 016 3.00 Elementary Differential Equations P - In Person Rizzie, Anthony COMPQ MoWeFr 12:20pm‑1:10pm
Storrs MATH 3796W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Watt, Dan COMPW 6/5
Storrs MATH 3796W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Gu, Jane COMPW 1/1
Storrs MATH 3796W 003 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Derevyagin, Maksym COMPW 1/1
Storrs MATH 3796W 004 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Burton, Laura COMPW 1/1
Storrs MATH 3796W 005 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Grandpre, Michael COMPW 1/1
Storrs MATH 3796W 006 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Wu, Damin COMPW 1/1
Storrs MATH 3796W 007 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Hay, Britta COMPW 1/1
Storrs MATH 3796W 008 3.00 Senior Thesis in Mathematics AR - By Arrangement Wang, HaiYing COMPW 0/1
Storrs MCB 2225 001 Cell Biology Laboratory P - In Person Lee, Juliet TuTh 12:55pm‑1:45pm
Storrs MCB 2225 001L 4.00 Cell Biology Laboratory P - In Person Zapata, Kristian TuTh 2:00pm‑5:00pm
Storrs MCB 2400 007D 3.00 Human Genetics P - In Person Braymen, Paul Fr 8:00am‑8:50am
Storrs MCB 2410 010D 3.00 Genetics P - In Person Mirabella, Rosemarie Th 2:00pm‑2:50pm
Storrs MCB 3100 001 Introduction to Translational Research P - In Person Smith, Sharon
Kline, Elizabeth
Fr 10:30am‑11:30am
Storrs MCB 3100 001P 3.00 Introduction to Translational Research AR - By Arrangement Kline, Elizabeth
Smith, Sharon
Storrs MCB 3189 001 3.00 Clinical Research Laboratory P - In Person Smith, Sharon
Kline, Elizabeth
Fr 10:10am‑11:30am
Storrs MCB 4996 001 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Alder, Nathan 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 002 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Alexandrescu, Andrei 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 003 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Abbott, Thomas 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 004 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Campellone, Kenneth 2/5
Storrs MCB 4996 005 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Erceg, Jelena 3/5
Storrs MCB 4996 006 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Core, Leighton 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 007 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Gage, Daniel 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 008 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Giardina, Charles 2/5
Storrs MCB 4996 009 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Gogarten, J. 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 010 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Goldhamer, David 9/5
Storrs MCB 4996 011 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Nyholm, Spencer 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 012 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Heaslip, Aoife 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 013 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hanlon, Stacey 4/5
Storrs MCB 4996 014 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hird, Sarah 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 015 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Klassen, Jonathan 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 016 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Longo, Mark 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 017 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Daggett, David 2/5
Storrs MCB 4996 018 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Lee, Juliet 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 019 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Lynes, Michael 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 020 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Milligan-McClellan, Dr. 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 021 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement May, Eric 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 022 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement O'Neill, Michael 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 023 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement O'Neill, Rachel 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 024 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Mellone, Barbara 3/5
Storrs MCB 4996 025 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Nelson, Craig 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 026 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Silbart, Lawrence 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 027 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Rasmussen, Theodore 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 028 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Robinson, Victoria 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 029 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Rossi, Patricia 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 030 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Teschke, Carolyn 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 031 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Santiago Martinez, Michel 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 032 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Zhang, Ping 0/5
Storrs MCB 4996 033 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Zweifach, Adam 1/5
Storrs MCB 4996 034 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Malinoski, Christopher 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 001 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Alder, Nathan COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 002 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Alexandrescu, Andrei COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 003 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Abbott, Thomas COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 004 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Campellone, Kenneth COMPW 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 005 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Erceg, Jelena COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 006 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Core, Leighton COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 007 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Gage, Daniel COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 008 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Giardina, Charles COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 009 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Gogarten, J. COMPW 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 010 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Goldhamer, David COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 011 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Nyholm, Spencer COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 012 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Heaslip, Aoife COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 013 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Hird, Sarah COMPW 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 014 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Milligan-McClellan, Dr. COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 015 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Mellone, Barbara COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 016 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Hanlon, Stacey COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 017 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Klassen, Jonathan COMPW 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 018 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Lee, Juliet COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 019 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Lynes, Michael COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 020 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Longo, Mark COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 021 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Kline, Elizabeth COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 022 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement O'Neill, Michael COMPW 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 023 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement O'Neill, Rachel COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 024 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement May, Eric COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 025 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Nelson, Craig COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 026 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Rasmussen, Theodore COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 027 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Robinson, Victoria COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 029 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Rossi, Patricia COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 030 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Santiago Martinez, Michel COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 031 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Silbart, Lawrence COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 032 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Teschke, Carolyn COMPW 0/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 033 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis P - In Person Zhang, Ping COMPW TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Storrs MCB 4997W 034 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Zweifach, Adam COMPW 1/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 036 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Daggett, David COMPW 2/5
Storrs MCB 4997W 037 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Malinoski, Christopher COMPW 2/5
Waterbury MCB 4997W 331 3.00 Senior Honors Research Thesis AR - By Arrangement Durstin, Melissa COMPW 0/1
Storrs ME 2234 003 3.00 Applied Thermodynamics P - In Person Pasaogullari, Ugur TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs MEM 4296 001 1.00 - 6.00 Honors Research AR - By Arrangement Tang, Jiong 1/30
Storrs MENT 3101 009 3.00 Managerial and Interpersonal Behavior P - In Person Beer, Alexandra MoWe 9:30am‑10:45am
Storrs MENT 3101 010 3.00 Managerial and Interpersonal Behavior P - In Person Beer, Alexandra MoWe 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs MENT 3101 011 3.00 Managerial and Interpersonal Behavior P - In Person Oh, Kyoungjo TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
Storrs MENT 4900 010 3.00 Strategic Management P - In Person Ghaddar, Sami TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs MENT 4900 011 3.00 Strategic Management P - In Person Ghaddar, Sami TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
Storrs MENT 4900 012 3.00 Strategic Management P - In Person Ghaddar, Sami TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Waterbury MENT 4902 332D 3.00 Strategic Management OA - Online Asynchronous Ghaddar, Sami
Victer, Rogerio
Hartford MENT 4902 702D 3.00 Strategic Management OA - Online Asynchronous Ghaddar, Sami
Victer, Rogerio
Stamford MENT 4902 882D 3.00 Strategic Management OA - Online Asynchronous Ghaddar, Sami
Victer, Rogerio
Storrs MENT 4997 004 1.00 - 3.00 Senior Thesis in Management AR - By Arrangement Madjar, Nora 0/5
Storrs MENT 4997 005 1.00 - 3.00 Senior Thesis in Management AR - By Arrangement Grosser, Travis 0/5
Storrs MENT 4997 007 1.00 - 3.00 Senior Thesis in Management AR - By Arrangement Oh, Kyoungjo 0/5
Storrs MENT 4997 009 1.00 - 3.00 Senior Thesis in Management AR - By Arrangement Noble, David 0/5
Storrs MKTG 3101 006D 3.00 Introduction to Marketing Management OA - Online Asynchronous Kan, Christina
Roy, Sandip
Storrs MKTG 3101 010D 3.00 Introduction to Marketing Management OA - Online Asynchronous Kan, Christina 5/7
Storrs MKTG 3101 012D 3.00 Introduction to Marketing Management OA - Online Asynchronous Kan, Christina 4/7
Storrs MKTG 3101 016D 3.00 Introduction to Marketing Management OA - Online Asynchronous Kan, Christina
Ryan, William
Hartford MKTG 3101 702D 3.00 Introduction to Marketing Management OA - Online Asynchronous Kan, Christina
Bailey, Heidi
Stamford MKTG 3101 882D 3.00 Introduction to Marketing Management OA - Online Asynchronous Kan, Christina
Harris, Wynd
Storrs MUSI 1003 007D 3.00 Popular Music and Diversity in American Society P - In Person Sallinger, Elizabeth CA1, CA4, TOI1, TOI3 Th 11:00am‑11:50am
Storrs NURS 4597W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Bernier Carney, Katherine COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Carter, Eileen COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 003 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Casavant, Sharon COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 004 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Coffey, Jean COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 005 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Dileone, Christine COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 006 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Condon, Eileen COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 007 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Eaton, Carrie COMPW 3/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 008 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Gormley, Maurade COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 009 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Kinsey, Steven COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 010 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Lapointe, Leslie COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 011 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Lucas, Ruth COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 013 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Perry-Eaddy, Mallory
Malek, Jessica
Storrs NURS 4597W 014 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Parekh De Campos, Amisha COMPW 0/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 015 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Redeker, Nancy COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 016 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Ross, Christina COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 017 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Shellman, Juliette COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 018 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Shook, Natalie COMPW 1/5
Storrs NURS 4597W 019 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nursing AR - By Arrangement Yang, Gee COMPW 0/5
Storrs NUSC 4297W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Andersen, Catherine COMPW 0/5
Storrs NUSC 4297W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Blesso, Christopher COMPW 0/4
Storrs NUSC 4297W 003 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Luo, Yangchao COMPW 0/4
Storrs NUSC 4297W 005 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Puglisi, Michael COMPW 1/4
Storrs NUSC 4297W 006 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Chun, Ock COMPW 1/5
Storrs NUSC 4297W 007 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Fields, Jennifer COMPW 1/3
Storrs NUSC 4297W 008 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Blackman Carr, Loneke COMPW 1/1
Storrs NUSC 4297W 009 3.00 Senior Thesis in Nutrition AR - By Arrangement Choi, Sangyong COMPW 1/1
Storrs OPIM 3103 004 3.00 Business Information Systems P - In Person Tung, Y. MoWe 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs OPIM 4996 001 3.00 Independent Honors Research in OPIM AR - By Arrangement Fitzgerald, Stephen 0/10
Storrs OPIM 4996 002 3.00 Independent Honors Research in OPIM AR - By Arrangement Moore, Jonathan 0/10
Storrs OPIM 4996 003 3.00 Independent Honors Research in OPIM AR - By Arrangement Calvert, Craig 0/10
Storrs OPIM 4997 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Operations and Information Management AR - By Arrangement Fitzgerald, Stephen 1/10
Storrs OPIM 4997 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Operations and Information Management AR - By Arrangement Moore, Jonathan 0/10
Storrs OPIM 4997 003 3.00 Senior Thesis in Operations and Information Management AR - By Arrangement Calvert, Craig 0/10
Storrs PATH 4197W 001 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Deguise, Sylvain COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 002 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Garmendia, Antonio COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 003 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Burgess, Diane
Verardi, Paulo
Storrs PATH 4197W 004 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Khan, Mazhar COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 005 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Levin, Milton COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 006 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Mishra, Neha COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 007 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Reinhardt, Emily COMPW 1/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 008 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Risatti, Guillermo COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 009 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Szczepanek, Steven COMPW 2/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 010 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Tulman, Edan COMPW 0/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 011 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Verardi, Paulo COMPW 2/5
Storrs PATH 4197W 012 3.00 Pathobiology Honors Thesis AR - By Arrangement Wunder, Elsio COMPW 4/5
Storrs PHAR 3097W 001 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Aneskievich, Brian COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 002 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Rickles, Nathaniel COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 003 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Hadden, Kyle COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 004 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Girotto, Jennifer COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 005 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Wiemer, Andrew COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 006 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Salvo, Marissa COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 007 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Lu, Xiuling COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 008 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Chaudhuri, Bodhi COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 009 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Manautou, Jose COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 010 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Zhong, Xiaobo COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 011 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Burgess, Diane COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 014 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Dang, Devra COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 015 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Holle, Lisa COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 016 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Wang, Fei COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHAR 3097W 017 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Jeffery, Sean COMPW 0/6
Storrs PHAR 3099 002 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Rasmussen, Theodore 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 006 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Coleman, Craig 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 008 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Aneskievich, Brian 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 010 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wiemer, Andrew 2/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 012 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Holle, Lisa 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 016 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Girotto, Jennifer 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 018 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 020 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Bogner, Robin 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 022 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Lu, Xiuling 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 024 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Smith, Marie 1/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 026 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Sobieraj, Diana 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 028 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Salvo, Marissa 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 030 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Bahal, Raman 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 034 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Burgess, Diane 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 036 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wang, Fei 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 038 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Dang, Devra 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 040 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hadden, Kyle 1/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 042 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 044 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Chaudhuri, Bodhi 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 046 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 048 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hritcko, Philip 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 050 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Baker Jr, William 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 054 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Manautou, Jose 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 056 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Aeschlimann, Jeffrey 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 058 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Rickles, Nathaniel 1/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 060 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hernandez, Adrian 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 062 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Gernant, Stephanie 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 064 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Sartor, Gregory 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 066 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Bahal, Raman 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 068 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wheeler, Kathryn 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 070 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Zhong, Xiaobo 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 072 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wright, Dennis 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 074 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Li, Na 0/28
Storrs PHAR 3099 078 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Jung, Hunmin 2/12
Storrs PHAR 5498 006 1.00 - 6.00 Special Topics in Toxicology P - In Person Rasmussen, Theodore Tu 4:00pm‑5:00pm
Storrs PHIL 1101 001 3.00 Problems of Philosophy P - In Person Broy, T.J. CA1, TOI5 TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs PHIL 1104 030 3.00 Philosophy and Social Ethics OS - Online Synchronous Slutsky, David CA1 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
Storrs PHIL 1104 037 3.00 Philosophy and Social Ethics P - In Person Sonsayar, Utku CA1 TuTh 9:30am‑10:45am
Storrs PHIL 2410 001 3.00 Know Thyself P - In Person Bar-On, Dorit CA1, TOI5 Tu 5:00pm‑7:30pm
Storrs PHIL 4297W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Philosophy AR - By Arrangement Bloomfield, Paul COMPW 1/5
Storrs PHIL 4297W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Philosophy AR - By Arrangement Green, Mitchell COMPW 1/5
Storrs PHRX 3001 002 2.00 Immunology P - In Person Wiemer, Andrew Mo 1:25pm‑3:20pm
Storrs PHRX 3097W 001 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Aneskievich, Brian COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 002 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Sartor, Gregory COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 003 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Rickles, Nathaniel COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 004 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Hadden, Kyle COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 005 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Girotto, Jennifer COMPW 1/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 006 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Wiemer, Andrew COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 007 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Salvo, Marissa COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 008 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Lu, Xiuling COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 009 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Chaudhuri, Bodhi COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 010 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Manautou, Jose COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 011 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Zhong, Xiaobo COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 012 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Burgess, Diane COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 013 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Dang, Devra COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 014 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Holle, Lisa COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 015 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Wang, Fei COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 016 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Smith, Marie COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 017 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Aksenov, Alexander COMPW 0/19
Storrs PHRX 3097W 018 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Anyanwu, Chinenye COMPW 0/4
Storrs PHRX 3097W 019 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Waters, Kristin COMPW 0/4
Storrs PHRX 3097W 020 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Jeffery, Sean COMPW 0/4
Storrs PHRX 3097W 021 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Jung, Hunmin COMPW 1/5
Storrs PHRX 3097W 022 3.00 Honors Thesis in Pharmacy AR - By Arrangement Baker Jr, William COMPW 0/5
Storrs PHRX 3099 002 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Rasmussen, Theodore 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 004 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Doyno, Cassandra 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 006 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Coleman, Craig 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 008 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Aneskievich, Brian 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 010 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wiemer, Andrew 2/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 012 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Holle, Lisa 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 016 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Girotto, Jennifer 2/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 018 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Banker-Murphy, Kate 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 020 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Bogner, Robin 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 022 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Lu, Xiuling 1/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 024 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Smith, Marie 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 026 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Sobieraj, Diana 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 028 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Salvo, Marissa 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 030 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Polomoff, Christina 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 032 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Adams, Kathleen 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 034 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Burgess, Diane 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 036 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wang, Fei 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 038 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Dang, Devra 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 040 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hadden, Kyle 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 042 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Smith, L. 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 044 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Chaudhuri, Bodhi 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 046 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Alexander, Lyn 2/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 048 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hritcko, Philip 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 050 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Baker Jr, William 1/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 054 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Manautou, Jose 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 056 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Aeschlimann, Jeffrey 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 058 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Rickles, Nathaniel 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 060 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Hernandez, Adrian 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 062 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Gernant, Stephanie 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 064 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Sartor, Gregory 2/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 066 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Bahal, Raman 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 068 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wheeler, Kathryn 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 070 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Zhong, Xiaobo 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 072 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wright, Dennis 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 074 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Vinogradova, Olga 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 076 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Li, Na 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 078 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Jeffery, Sean 0/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 080 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement 1/28
Storrs PHRX 3099 082 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Delaney, Megan 1/12
Storrs PHRX 3099 084 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Waters, Kristin 0/12
Storrs PHRX 3099 120 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Anyanwu, Chinenye 0/6
Storrs PHRX 3099 122 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Jung, Hunmin 3/12
Storrs PHRX 3099 124 1.00 - 6.00 Undergraduate Research AR - By Arrangement Wick, Jeannette 0/12
Storrs PHYS 1601Q 001 4.00 Fundamentals of Physics I P - In Person Ghimire, Niraj
Shcherbakov, Anton
Stewart, Douglas
CA3LAB, COMPQ MoWe 10:10am‑12:05pm
Fr 10:10am‑12:05pm
Storrs PNB 3260 001 3.00 Stem Cell Biology P - In Person Conover, Joanne TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs PNB 4296 001 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Yu, Jianzhong 3/5
Storrs PNB 4296 002 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Conover, Joanne 1/10
Storrs PNB 4296 003 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Crivello, Joseph 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 004 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Sciolino, Natale 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 006 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Jackson, Alexander 2/5
Storrs PNB 4296 007 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Kanadia, Rahul 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 008 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Loturco, Joseph 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 009 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Menuz, Karen 2/5
Storrs PNB 4296 011 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Mulkey, Daniel 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 012 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Nishiyama, Akiko 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 013 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Ostroff, Linnaea 2/5
Storrs PNB 4296 014 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Schwartz, Daniel 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 015 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Sun, Jianjun 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 016 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Tzingounis, Anastasios 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 017 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Walikonis, Randall 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 019 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Chen, Xinnian 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 021 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Filipovic, Radmila 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 022 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Redden, John 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 023 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Tanner, Geoffrey 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 024 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Divino, Jeffrey 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 025 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Markus, Etan 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 026 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Salamone, John 5/5
Storrs PNB 4296 028 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Fitch, R. 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 029 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Audette, Nicholas 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 030 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Antic, Srdjan 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 031 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Yee, Eiling 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 032 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Eigsti, Inge-Marie 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 033 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Earp, Jacob 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 034 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Park, Crystal 3/5
Storrs PNB 4296 035 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Giardina, Charles 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 036 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Nair, Lakshmi 0/10
Storrs PNB 4296 037 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 038 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Trakhtenberg, Feliks 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 039 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Astur, Robert 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 040 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Casa, Douglas 3/5
Storrs PNB 4296 041 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Rasmussen, Theodore 0/1
Storrs PNB 4296 042 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Duffy, Valerie 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 044 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Hoeft, Fumiko 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 045 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Dillon, Ellis 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 046 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Zajac, Kristyn 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 055 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Diniz, Breno 0/10
Storrs PNB 4296 056 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Dealy, Caroline 1/10
Storrs PNB 4296 057 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Kinsey, Steven 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 059 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Sartor, Gregory 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 060 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Landi, Nicole 0/5
Storrs PNB 4296 061 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Skoe, Erika 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 062 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Burgess, Diane 2/5
Storrs PNB 4296 063 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Read, Heather 2/5
Storrs PNB 4296 070 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Brugge, Doug 1/5
Storrs PNB 4296 078 1.00 - 3.00 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Rich, Scott 1/5
Storrs PNB 4297W 009 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Menuz, Karen COMPW 1/5
Storrs PNB 4297W 048 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Goldhamer, David COMPW 0/5
Storrs PNB 4297W 051 3.00 Senior Research Thesis in Physiology and Neurobiology AR - By Arrangement Smilowitz, Henry COMPW 0/5
Storrs POLS 2073Q 001 3.00 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Political Science P - In Person Scruggs, Lyle TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
Storrs POLS 3434W 001 3.00 Honors Core: Excavating the International in Everyday Practices P - In Person Sterling-Folker, Jennifer COMPW Th 4:00pm‑6:30pm
Stamford POLS 3662 802 3.00 Latino Political Behavior OS - Online Synchronous Ginsberg, Beth CA4, TOI2, TOI3 TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
Storrs POLS 4997W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Singer, Matthew COMPW 16/19
Storrs PSYC 1100 068L 3.00 General Psychology I P - In Person Stango, Damon CA3, TOI6 Mo 4:00pm‑5:20pm
Storrs PSYC 1100 069L 3.00 General Psychology I P - In Person Caputo, Kendra CA3, TOI6 Tu 4:00pm‑5:20pm
Storrs PSYC 1103 004D 4.00 General Psychology II (Enhanced) P - In Person Click, Abigael CA2 Mo 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Stamford PSYC 1103 802D 4.00 General Psychology II (Enhanced) P - In Person Gresham, Lori CA2 Th 12:30pm‑1:20pm
Storrs PSYC 2100WQ 015L 4.00 Principles of Research in Psychology P - In Person Tilbury, Susan COMPQ, COMPW Tu 8:00am‑9:50am
Storrs PSYC 3701W 001 3.00 Psychology of the Arts P - In Person Johnson, Blair COMPW TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Storrs PSYC 3899 001 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Agocha, Bede 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 002 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Altmann, Gerry 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 004 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Astur, Robert 2/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 006 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Barton, Marianne 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 011 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Burke, Jeffrey 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 014 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Chen, Chi-Ming 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 015 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Chrobak, James 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 016 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Coppola, Marie 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 017 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Cruess, Dean 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 018 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Cuevas, Kimberly 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 021 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Duffy, Valerie 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 022 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Dixon, James 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 023 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Eigsti, Inge-Marie 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 027 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Fitch, R. 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 028 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Frank, Till 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 029 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Garr-Schultz, Alexandra 5/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 030 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Greene, Carolyn 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 031 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Gorin, Amy 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 032 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Audette, Nicholas 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 034 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Henning, Robert 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 035 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Hoeft, Fumiko 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 037 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Johnson, Blair 5/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 038 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Kalichman, Seth 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 039 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Kleinman, Jamie 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 040 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Yee, Eiling 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 041 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Landi, Nicole 2/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 042 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Large, Edward 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 043 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Lucas, Ruth 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 044 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Lundquist, Eric 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 045 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Magley, Vicki 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 046 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Magnuson, James 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 047 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Markus, Etan 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 048 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Marsh, Kerry 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 049 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Mellor, Steven 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 050 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Hancock, Roeland 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 051 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Milan, Stephanie 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 052 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Ostroff, Linnaea 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 053 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Myers, Emily 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 054 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Naigles, Letitia 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 055 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Park, Crystal 2/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 056 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Pratto, Felicia 2/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 057 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Pugh, Kenneth 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 058 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Quinn, Diane 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 059 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Ramirez-Esparza, Nairan 2/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 061 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Read, Heather 3/10
Storrs PSYC 3899 062 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Rueckl, Jay 0/10
Storrs PSYC 3899 063 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Salamone, John 1/10
Storrs PSYC 3899 064 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha 0/10
Storrs PSYC 3899 065 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Smith, Rhiannon 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 066 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Stevenson, Ian 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 068 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Tabor, Whitney 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 069 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Treadwell, Kimberli 2/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 071 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Volgushev, Maxim 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 072 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Williams, Michelle 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 073 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Yee, Eiling 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 074 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Briggs-Gowan, Margaret 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 076 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Ginsburg, Golda 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 077 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Panosky, Denise 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 079 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Mathieu, John 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 080 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Paxton, Alexandra 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 081 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Suanda, Umay 4/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 082 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Kinsey, Steven 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 083 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Shook, Natalie 3/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 084 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Chafouleas, Sandra 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 086 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Egbert, Amy 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 087 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Miller, Jonas 4/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 090 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Barry, Lisa 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 094 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Keller, Arielle 0/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 095 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Clement-Lam, Silvia 3/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 097 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Burghard, Alice 1/5
Storrs PSYC 3899 098 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Spellman, Timothy 0/5
Waterbury PSYC 3899 331 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Treadwell, Kimberli 0/1
Waterbury PSYC 3899 332 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Astur, Robert 0/1
Waterbury PSYC 3899 333 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Cuevas, Kimberly 0/1
Stamford PSYC 3899 801 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Buchweitz, Augusto 0/5
Stamford PSYC 3899 802 1.00 - 6.00 Independent Study AR - By Arrangement Gresham, Lori 3/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Agocha, Bede COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Altmann, Gerry COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 004 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Astur, Robert COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 006 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Barton, Marianne COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 009 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Bereshpolova, Yulia COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 011 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Burke, Jeffrey COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 014 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Chen, Chi-Ming COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 015 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Chrobak, James COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 016 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Coppola, Marie COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 017 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Cruess, Dean COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 018 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Cuevas, Kimberly COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 020 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Suanda, Umay COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 021 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Duffy, Valerie COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 022 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Dixon, James COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 023 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Eigsti, Inge-Marie COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 027 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Fitch, R. COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 028 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Frank, Till COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 029 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Garr-Schultz, Alexandra COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 030 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Greene, Carolyn COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 031 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Gorin, Amy COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 032 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Audette, Nicholas COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 034 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Henning, Robert COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 035 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Hoeft, Fumiko COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 037 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Johnson, Blair COMPW 3/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 038 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Kalichman, Seth COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 039 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Kleinman, Jamie COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 040 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Lepley, Lindsey COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 041 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Landi, Nicole COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 042 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Large, Edward COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 043 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Lucas, Ruth COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 044 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Lundquist, Eric COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 045 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Magley, Vicki COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 046 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Magnuson, James COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 047 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Markus, Etan COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 048 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Marsh, Kerry COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 049 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Mellor, Steven COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 050 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Hancock, Roeland COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 051 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Milan, Stephanie COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 052 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Ostroff, Linnaea COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 053 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Myers, Emily COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 054 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Naigles, Letitia COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 055 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Park, Crystal COMPW 3/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 056 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Pratto, Felicia COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 057 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Pugh, Kenneth COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 058 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Quinn, Diane COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 059 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Ramirez-Esparza, Nairan COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 061 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Read, Heather COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 062 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Rueckl, Jay COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 063 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Salamone, John COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 064 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Srinivasan, Sudha COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 065 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Smith, Rhiannon COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 066 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Stevenson, Ian COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 067 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Finiguerra, Michael COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 068 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Tabor, Whitney COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 069 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Treadwell, Kimberli COMPW 2/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 071 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Volgushev, Maxim COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 072 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Williams, Michelle COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 073 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Yee, Eiling COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 074 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Briggs-Gowan, Margaret COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 076 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Ginsburg, Golda COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 077 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Panosky, Denise COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 079 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Mathieu, John COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 080 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Paxton, Alexandra COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 081 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Paxton, Alexandra COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 082 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Kinsey, Steven COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 083 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Shook, Natalie COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 084 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Chafouleas, Sandra COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 086 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Egbert, Amy COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 087 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Miller, Jonas COMPW 5/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 089 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Grasso, Damion COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 090 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Barry, Lisa COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 094 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Keller, Arielle COMPW 0/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 097 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Burghard, Alice COMPW 1/5
Storrs PSYC 4197W 098 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Spellman, Timothy COMPW 0/5
Hartford PSYC 4197W 701 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Marsh, Kerry COMPW 0/5
Stamford PSYC 4197W 801 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Burton, Leslie COMPW 0/5
Stamford PSYC 4197W 802 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Gresham, Lori COMPW 0/5
Stamford PSYC 4197W 803 3.00 Senior Thesis in Psychology AR - By Arrangement Buchweitz, Augusto COMPW 0/5
Storrs SLHS 4296W 001 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Cienkowski, Kathleen COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 004 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Skoe, Erika COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 005 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Myers, Emily COMPW 1/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 006 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Spaulding, Tammie COMPW 1/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 008 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Theodore, Rachel COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 009 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Tufts, Jennifer COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 010 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Maggu, Akshay COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 011 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Butler, Lindsay COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 012 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Naigles, Letitia COMPW 0/19
Storrs SLHS 4296W 013 1.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Houston, Derek COMPW 1/5
Storrs SOCI 2275 001 3.00 Social Well-Being P - In Person Wright, Bradley Tu 11:00am‑1:30pm
Storrs SOCI 3996W 001 3.00 Senior Thesis in Sociology AR - By Arrangement Talbert, Ryan COMPW 3/5
Storrs SOCI 3996W 002 3.00 Senior Thesis in Sociology AR - By Arrangement Hughey, Matthew COMPW 1/5
Stamford SOCI 3996W 801 3.00 Senior Thesis in Sociology AR - By Arrangement Semaan, Ingrid COMPW 1/5
Storrs UNIV 3784 001 3.00 Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar P - In Person Sanford, Keat Th 3:45pm‑5:45pm
Storrs UNIV 3784 003 3.00 Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar P - In Person Sanford, Keat Th 6:00pm‑8:00pm
Storrs UNIV 3784 004 3.00 Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar P - In Person Sanford, Keat Mo 3:00pm‑5:00pm
Stamford UNIV 3784 801 3.00 Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar HB - Hybrid Csizmadia, Annamaria
Heenehan, Kaitlin
We 4:40pm‑6:00pm
Storrs UNIV 4697W 001 3.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Yee, Eiling COMPW 1/5
Storrs UNIV 4697W 002 3.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Reichgelt, Tammo COMPW 1/5
Storrs UNIV 4697W 003 3.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Bergendahl, Kimberly COMPW 1/5
Storrs UNIV 4697W 004 3.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Talbert, Ryan COMPW 1/5
Storrs UNIV 4697W 005 3.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Vernal, Fiona COMPW 1/5
Storrs UNIV 4697W 006 3.00 - 6.00 Senior Thesis AR - By Arrangement Gan, Guojun COMPW 1/5