After Orientation (Storrs)

Congratulations! You’ve created a schedule for your first semester! You are now on the path to your new journey in the UConn Honors Program.

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Add/drop/swap begins on July 23 and continues through the 10th day of classes. Since all students can make changes to their schedule during this period, classes may fill or reopen at any time.

Before making any changes, check any necessary AP scores and make sure they have been sent to UConn. It takes time for the scores to be sent and for them to be processed onto your transcript, so do this now!

Swap don’t drop! When you swap classes, the new class is added before the original class is dropped. If there is any problem with enrolling you in the new class, you still retain your original schedule. (Instructions on swapping courses.)

Trouble enrolling? Here is a list of possible reasons you might not be able to enroll in a class.

Honors Community

We are excited to welcome you to the Honors community this fall semester! Whether you live on-campus or will be learning remotely, we have several opportunities to stay engaged, connect with others, and start your UConn experience strong.

UNIV 1784 Facilitators: Your first-year seminar will be taught by an instructor and supported by HonorsĀ peer facilitators who will supplement your learning and help you build a strong community with one another. As you learn how to be successful at UConn and in Honors during your first semester, your facilitators will be there to help.

Honors Guides for Peer Success: Our Honors Guides for Peer Success (Honors GPS) Team is here to help you navigate the Honors co-curricular requirements and coach you toward success. Find out more here.

Honors Organizations: UConn has hundreds of student organizations, and students in the Honors Program have started several based around varied interests. Check out the Honors organizations on the Storrs campus!

Honors Residential Communities: We work in partnership with Residential Life to support our Honors residential communities, including opportunities for Honors living spaces after the first year.