Prepare for your Honors Orientation advising and registration appointment by completing the following AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO YOUR ON-CAMPUS ORIENTATION DAY: 

  1. Gather info on any credits you may have earned through AP, ECE, or other transfer sources
  2. Complete the required Honors Interactive Advising Worksheet! your Honors Orientation advisor will need this info to guide you through course selection for your first semester and to potentially pre-enroll you (reserve seats) in anticipated coursework, which you’ll review and revise together in your appointment].
    • You will need to log in using your NetID and password for this worksheet; If you need help, visit the NetID page or contact UConn ITS. Remember your log-in info because you will be using it to log into StudentAdmin to enroll in courses during your appointment. 
    • This worksheet is in addition to any other form(s) that may be required. 
  3. Review your school/college requirements and complete any necessary placement exams. Also be sure to save information/worksheets from your on-campus Orientation day related to course recommendations, you will need this for your registration appointment.
  4. Check for any holds that may prevent registration, such as your SF Responsibility Agreement.
  5. Review Honors course descriptions for fall 2024; make note of one or more that interests you and/or fulfills a requirement you need. Think about other courses on your “wish list” that you may want to take this fall.
  6. Review UNIV 1784 course descriptions for fall 2024; practice adding a section that interests you to your shopping cart (Adding to your cart is not enrolling in the course; this UNIV section may or may not be the one you actually enroll in due to course availability and scheduling).
  7. Download the Cisco Webex Meetings App (recommended) or familiarize yourself with the web client. More info can be found at:

      Note: While we’ve pulled out some critical pieces for your advising appointment, this list is not comprehensive, please view and complete the full New Student Checklist.

      More about your advising and registration appointment:

      • Your advising appointment will be a one-on-one online meeting with Akosua Agyei, Honors & Enrichment Program Coordinator, UConn Stamford.
      • Plan for a private setting where you can discuss your individual interests and your academic background.
      • Keep in mind that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits advisors from sharing information or discussing your educational records with anyone but you.
      • Parents, guardians, and family members should not participate in any online advising appointments.
      • Promptly connect via WebEx at the time of your appointment (again, your specific time will be sent to both your UConn and personal email prior to the date of your confirmed advising session).
      • We highly recommend enabling video for this meeting and using a computer.
      • Appointments are scheduled for no more than 60 minutes. To make the most of your meeting, please arrive prepared and on time.

      We look forward to working with you!