Summer 2024 Featured Courses

SOCI 2275: Social Well-Being (Conversion Opportunity)

Online (asynchronous) during Summer 2

Instructor: Bradley Wright

While this is not an Honors course, Prof. Wright welcomes Honors students of all majors and would be happy to offer Honors conversions for interested students.

This class is one of the most popular electives on campus. In it, students learn how to maximize their own sense of well-being and how society impacts it. During summer, it’s offered as an online asynchronous class.

HDFS 2004W: Research Methods in HDFS (Conversion Opportunity)

Online (asynchronous) during Summer 1

Instructor: Annamaria Csizmadia

Prerequisite: ENGL 1007, 1010, 1011, or 2011. HDFS 1070, which may be taken concurrently.

While this is not an Honors course, Prof. Csizmadia welcomes Honors students of all majors and would be happy to offer Honors conversions for interested students.

The course invites students to learn the fundamentals of social science research and apply their knowledge by developing a research proposal. Students will learn how to identify a research topic, conduct a literature search, and compile a reference list formatted according to APA style. Based on theory and research, students will also learn to formulate research questions and design a research study to address those questions. This course is very useful for students who are interested in doing social science research or are considering applying for undergraduate research funding through the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR). This course will also be helpful for students who are planning to conduct an Honors research project.

For questions or permission number to register for the course please email Dr. Csizmadia at


EPSY 1450W: Mind, Body, Health (Conversion Opportunity)

Online (asynchronous) during Summer 1 and Summer 2

Instructor: Melissa Bray

While this is not an Honors course, Prof. Bray welcomes Honors students of all majors and would be happy to offer Honors conversions for interested students.

The role of the mind and its effects on subjective wellbeing (e.g., happiness, stress, depression, anxiety) and the physical body will be explored during this course. The past history and current literature supporting the mind body connection, assessment, and intervention will be presented. Implications for understanding mind body health relative to quality of life will be emphasized.

Experience treatments that alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and improve happiness as well as attention! This class will introduce you to and allow you to try out experientials such as video self-modeling, virtual reality, self-monitoring, yoga, diet/nutrition, physical activity/exercise, nature/eco health, standard muscle relaxation, relaxation and guided imagery, deep breathing, written emotional expression, gratitude writing, mindfulness, meditation, and yoga.

A glimpse into the experiential portion of the course. 
More information about the instructor and the Mind-Body Health Research Interest Group.

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STAT 1100Q: Elementary Concepts of Statistics

Online (asynchronous) during Summer 2

Instructor: Suman Majumdar

It is quite likely that your Honors thesis will require you to use a basket of tools that is often described as “research methods.” An overarching goal of this course is to prepare you to learn these tools and successfully use them.

Topics include: Standard and nonparametric approaches to statistical analysis; exploratory data analysis, elementary probability, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, one- and two-sample procedures, regression and correlation. Learning to do statistical analysis on a personal computer is an integral part of the course.