Student News

HRTS 3298-003/DMD 3998-003: Social Documentary in Theory and Practice

Instructor: Catherine Masud

This is a special opportunity to learn from an internationally award-winning filmmaker. 

This course aims to open students’ eyes to the tremendous power and possibility of the documentary form as a vehicle of social discourse and change. The first half of this course will examine the documentary from a historical, ethical, and aesthetic perspective, providing a theoretical grounding for students with a special interest in documentaries that address social and political themes. Some of the topics to be addressed include the evolution of the documentary genre, the modes and models of documentary, the rhetorical, narrative, and poetic documentary ‘voice’, and the question of ‘social impact’. Major milestones of the non-fiction genre will be studied along with lesser-known short form documentaries that illustrate specific aspects of technique, style, and content. The second half of the course will provide students with a practical framework for discovering their own documentary voice. Students will be guided through the process of pre-production, shooting and editing as they create their own short form documentaries on a social issue of their choice.

University Honors Laureate: This Variable Topics course will count toward the Arts & Humanities category.

MATH Honors classes Spring 2020

As of 10/18/19, Honors MATH courses were not correctly listed in Student Admin. These are the courses you can expect for Spring 2020:

Campus Course number Title Section Times
Storrs 1132Q Calculus II 059D MoWe 3:35PM – 4:25PM;
TuTh 2:00PM – 3:15PM
1132Q Calculus II 060D MoWe 4:40PM – 5:30PM;
TuTh 2:00PM – 3:15PM
2110Q Multivariable Calculus 149D TuTh 9:30AM – 10:20AM;
MoWeFr 1:25PM – 2:15PM
2142Q Advanced Calculus II 001 MoWeFr 2:30PM – 3:40PM
2144Q Advanced Calculus IV 001 MoWeFr 10:10AM – 11:20AM
2210Q Applied Linear Algebra 013 TuTh 11:00AM – 12:15PM
2410Q Elem Differential Equations 020 TuTh 12:30PM – 1:45PM
3094 Undergraduate Seminar:
Fourier Analysis and Applications
001 TuTh 11:00AM – 12:15PM
3160 Probability 008 TuTh 2:00PM – 3:15PM
Stamford 1132Q Calculus II Z84 MoWe 9:20AM – 11:00AM

ENGL 2405-002: Drama

Instructor: Jean Marsden

Prerequisite: ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 2011

The course will begin with a quick grounding in Greek drama (Oedipus Rex, Lysistrata) and from there focus on English and American drama from the Renaissance to the present, sampling a variety of authors and genres, from comedies such as Shakespeare’s As You Like It and Behn’s The Rover to tragedies such as Webster’s Duchess of Malfi and Miller’s Death of a Salesman to contemporary dramas such as Kushner’s Angels in America and Stoppard’s Arcadia. Assignments will include two short papers and a longer paper on a drama-related topic of the
student’s choice.

CA 1.

CAMS/HEJS 3300: Palestine under the Greeks and Romans

Instructor: Stuart Miller

This course addresses the major political, historical and religious currents in Graeco-Roman Palestine, or what the Jews have called since antiquity “The Land of Israel”. Among the central concerns will be the relationship of the Jews to the ruling powers (Ptolemies, Seleucids, Romans, Herodians etc.) and the emergence of sects and other groups such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, Dead Sea Sect, Samaritans, and early (Jewish) Christians. Relations between the Jews, Christians and Romans will also be examined. Special emphasis will be placed on life within the major urban centers, for example, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Sepphoris, Tiberias, and Bet Shean. The literary legacy of the rabbis and the emergence of Christian schools will be given special attention. Relevant archeological evidence will be introduced via slide presentations.

2019 Rowe Scholar: Romoye Sohan

Romoye Sohan

Romoye Sohan has been involved in multiple UConn Health Health Career Opportunities Program offerings and volunteers at Windham Hospital. She’s a biological sciences major on the pre-medical track. Romoye was born and raised in Jamaica and likes to collect snow globes from each country she visits. She currently lives in Windsor, CT and graduated from Windsor High School.

2019 Rowe Scholar: Yvette Oppong

Yvette Oppong

Yvette Oppong is a fan of ‘The Office’, but has also found time this summer to conduct research at UConn Health in the Center for Molecular Oncology, where she studied Paget’s Disease of Bone. She’s an environmental studies major on the pre-med track and says that if she had to choose, she’d rather be hot than cold. Yvette is originally from Ghana but lives in East Hartford, CT and attended Two Rivers Magnet High School.

2019 Rowe Scholar: Meghan Long

Meghan Long

Meghan Long has a unique middle name story. Her middle name is “Vannary”, which is the female version of her father’s name, “Sovanna”, and it means “princess” in Khmer, which is her family’s native language. Meghan is from Middletown, CT and graduated from Mercy High School. At UConn she’s a physiology and neurobiology major with a minor in psychological sciences. This summer she was an Inpatient Ambassador at Middlesex Hospital and worked at Middlesex Gastroenterology Associates. She has also shadowed in pediatric surgery, radiation oncology, dermatology, and anesthesiology, which is her favorite.