First-Year Honors Housing

All first-year Honors students are placed in an Honors First-Year Residential Community (Buckley/Shippee residential area at UConn Storrs or the Lillian 87 Franklin at UConn Stamford). At this time, Honors housing is not available at the Hartford Campus.

Storrs First-Year Honors Residential Community

Things to Keep in Mind for First-Year Housing

  • Housing is managed by the Department of Residential Life, not the Honors Program. Please pay close attention to Residential Life communications, processes, and deadlines.
  • If you plan to live on campus, you must apply for housing by the Residential Life deadline.
  • After you apply for housing, Honors will work with Residential Life to assign you to the Honors First-Year Residential Community on your campus. You won’t need to fill out another application.
  • If you have specific concerns, requests for medical accommodations, or need to request an exemption (examples of exemptions include students that are student-athletes, commuters, or request gender-inclusive housing), please email