Honors Junior Application

Refer to the Application Timeline for the next cycle deadlines for current or rising juniors.

Applying as a Rising or Current Junior or Later

Applying to the Honors Program as a rising or current junior or later, requires students to complete two separate pieces in the Quest portal system, an Honors Program Application and an Honors Plan.  These two separate pieces are both required and not linked to each other within the Quest system.

Honors Program Application in Quest (required)

  • A complete submitted online Honors Program Application (Quest - quest.uconn.edu) by the published deadlines.
    • Access the Honors Program Application in Quest. In the top right corner of the Quest Portal, click on “Log In” and select “UConn Single Sign-on” and use your NetID and password.
    • Honors Application Cover & Essay - complete task and Mark as Complete
    • List of Activities or Résumé - upload file and Mark as Complete
    • Transcript upload task:
      • for current UConn students, upload an unofficial copy of your transcript
      • for transfer students, an official e-transcript must be emailed to honors@uconn.edu through secure transfer
    • Final Review and Submission of Application

Honors Plan in Quest (required)

  • A submitted and approved Honors Plan in Quest - quest.uconn.edu, (see below for more details).
  • Students must start this step early to allow time to meet an Honors advisor in their major, complete and submit the Honors Plan, and allow time for review and approval by the Honors advisor by the application deadline.

Additional Application Criteria and Requirements

  • Enrollment as an undergraduate at UConn in intended Honors Major is required
  • Four semesters or less before graduation
  • A minimum of 54 credits/four semesters (taken at UConn or another institution of higher education)
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.400 to apply
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.400 at previous institution with official transcript.

REQUIRED: Approved Honors Plan of Study – DUE with Honors Application

Students applying to the Honors program must meet with an Honors advisor in their major, well in advance of the application deadline, for help choosing the courses to be listed on Honors Plan of Study and the Engagement in the Major requirements.  Here is a link to the full student instructions,  https://honors.uconn.edu/preliminary-plan-of-study/student/.

This online form is required and must be approved by an Honors advisor before consideration of admission to the Honors program.  Honors Preliminary Plan of Study.

    • You must be enrolled in the major listed on the form prior to your admission to Honors.
    • Information for students with more than one major.


Late Applications from Current Juniors

Late Applications from Current Juniors (with fewer than two years remaining)
Students who have junior standing, at least a 3.40 cumulative GPA, and the support of their major department may submit an Honors Junior Application. Current juniors or higher use the junior application and will be reviewed according to the Honors application timeline.

Important Note

Please know while we will make every effort to review your appeal as soon as possible, it may not be reviewed immediately upon receipt. Please note that all University employees are mandated reporters of child abuse or child neglect. In addition, UConn employees have responsibilities to report to the Office of Institutional Equity student disclosures of sexual assault and related interpersonal violence; any information you submit in this appeal is subject to UConn reporting policies. If you feel you need more immediate assistance or support, we encourage you to reach out to the Dean of Students Office and/or Student Health and Wellness- Mental Health. In addition, if you have concerns related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and/or stalking, we encourage you to review the resources and reporting options available at: https://titleix.uconn.edu