Preliminary Plan of Study

Honors Preliminary Plan of Study: Your Roadmap to Honors Graduation

The Honors Preliminary Plan of Study (Honors Plan) in QUEST is required from all rising/current juniors applying to join or current Honors juniors for continuation in the Honors Program and the departmental approval of an Honors advisor in your major is required. This is both a planning tool and an approval process. The form is intended to identify a pathway for how students will meet the requirements for graduation with one or more Honors designations. The plan includes coursework, "engagement in the major field" and other specific departmental requirements, co-curricular requirements (UHL), and the Honors thesis/project.

For current Honors juniors graduating in December 2026, May or August 2027, the Honors Plan is required for continuation in the Honors program and is due by November 1, 2025. If an approved Honors Plan is not submitted by the deadline for your intended graduation date, you will be removed from the Honors Program unless you have been approved for an extension. 

For students applying to the Honors program, an approved Honors Plan is required as part of your application materials.

Instructions for STUDENTS - please review before you begin your online form.

Instructions for Honors Advisors - please review before you begin the process. 

IMPORTANT Current Honors Juniors – Class of 2026* Deadline: November 1, 2024

If needed, please email to change your graduation date or request an extension, and avoid being dismissed. If you recently completed the online plan during your application to the Honors program, you do not need to complete it again.

*Current Honors juniors, who are listed with intended dates of graduation of December 2026, May 2027 or August 2027 must do one of the following by November 1, 2025.  If you are part of the graduating class listed above and you do not complete one of the following three options, you will be removed from the Honors Program.

  1. Online form in Quest Prior to completing this form, please communicate with your Honors advisor about which courses should be listed on this plan and how you will meet the engagement in the major field requirement.
    1. Follow the questions to indicate how you will meet the (NEW) Honors Scholar (HS) requirements (thesis/project, credits, and engagement in the major field). Students electing to earn both awards will also complete information about the University Honors Laureate (UHL) award.
    2. Submit the form so that your Honors advisor will have access to review (HS & UHL) and approve the Honors Scholar portion on behalf of your major department, or send it back to you for revisions.
  2. Notify the Honors Program of a later date for your intended graduation. You will be required to complete the Honors Preliminary Plan of Study at a later time.
  3. Request an extension for the Honors Preliminary Plan of Study for a reason listed below by emailing
    1. Undeclared Majors: If your major is listed as ACES (Exploratory, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Social Work, or Pre-Teaching), Pre-Communications Sciences, Pre-Individualized, Pre-Journalism, Pre-Music Education, or Undecided (Business or Engineering) in the Student Administration system in the fall of the junior year or you are in the process of changing your major, then you must email, by the form’s deadline, to explain your circumstances and request an extension.
    2. Changes in Graduation Date: If you are planning to change your graduation date, you must notify the Honors Program prior to the deadline of this form. Your deadline will be adjusted according to your new intended date of graduation.

Revisions: After submission, course changes to this plan must be approved by the Honors advisor, but do not need to be submitted to the Honors Program until the submission of the Honors Final Plan of Study.

Multiple Majors: Students who plan to complete Honors requirements in more than one major will need to submit plan information and obtain departmental approval for each Honors major.

Approval Process

Departmental Consent: To be eligible to continue in the Honors Program, you must obtain departmental consent by submitting an approved Honors Preliminary Plan of Study that is approved by your Honors advisor(s) in your Honors major(s). Honors advisors and department heads may review Honors enrollment for their majors upon request.

Timeline for Junior Applicants and Current Honors Juniors

  • Honors Program Junior Applicants: You must submit the Honors Preliminary Plan of Study as part of your application and it must be approved by the departmental Honors advisor by the application deadline.
  • Current Honors Students: It is recommended that you discuss your Honors plan with your Honors advisor during the spring as you register for the fall semester of your junior year. You must submit the online Honors Plan by November 1st of your junior year (three or four semesters prior to graduation) and have the plan approved by your Honors advisor to be eligible to continue in the Honors Program for your junior and senior years.
  • Changes to Honors Major: If you change your intended Honors major after the submission of this form, a new Honors Preliminary Plan of Study must be submitted for your new Honors major within two weeks of the change.

Important: Removal from the Honors Program

If an approved Honors Preliminary Plan is not submitted by the deadline for your intended graduation date, you will be removed from the Honors Program unless you have been approved for an extension.