Thesis Extensions

For May 2024 graduates, approved theses are due by April 26th, in Quest.
For August 2024 graduates, approved theses are due by August 31st, in Quest.
For December 2024 graduates, approved theses are due by December 6th, in Quest.

IMPORTANT: Students who cannot meet the deadline posted above must contact their thesis supervisor and Honors advisor to gain their support for an extension and set up a timeline for submission, review, and approval at a later date.

Have you Been Approved for a Two-Week Extension?

For May 2024 candidates, if you need additional time to complete your thesis, up to two weeks (to May 10, 2024) you must:

  • Contact your thesis supervisor and your Honors advisor to ask if they will support an extension and new timeline for review and approval of an additional two weeks.
  • Confirm support for up to a two week extension from both advisors - no official form or paperwork needed by the Honors office.
  • Communicate with thesis/research course instructor about grade submission deadlines or marking course as "I".
    • IMPORTANT: Be aware that a late grade entry may leave you off the published Dean's List if you are eligible. If it applies, the Dean's List notation will appear on your transcript upon entry of the final grade.
  • Understand that a two-week extension will not prevent you from attending the Honors Medals Ceremony or Commencement activities.
  • Submit your thesis online at and confirm approval from both advisors by the end of the two week extension (May 10, 2024).

You do not need to notify the Honors Program via email, phone, or fill out a special request form, if your thesis is submitted and approved within the two week window.

NOTE: August and December candidates who are interested in extensions must contact

Steps for Further Extensions for May Graduates

  1. Contact your thesis supervisor and your Honors advisor to determine if they will both support an additional extension.
  2. With input from both advisors, determine a new mutually agreed upon timeline for completion, review, and approval.
  3. By May 10, 2024, email
    • confirming that you have the support of both advisors for a further extension;
    • providing Honors with the agreed upon new deadline;
    • and to learn your options for graduation.

For May 2024 Graduates: Your thesis will need to be submitted to Quest and approved by both advisors by the extended deadline or by the final degree deadline of May 31, 2024 at 12:00 noon.  All of your grades and Honors credit must be noted on your transcript and all of your normal and Honors degree requirements must also be met by this time.

Extensions beyond the final degree deadline will result in postponement of your degree conferral to August or later.

Online thesis submission and approval process.  If you have any questions about submitting your thesis and graduating as an Honors Scholar, email