Welcome to new and veteran Honors advisors! Thank you for your involvement in mentoring and advising Honors students! This “toolbox” is intended to be a spot from which you can quickly access any information you might need about the Honors Program during the course of an advising session. If at any time you have questions to which you can’t find the answer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with an Honors staff member.
See Quick Links for requirements for students who entered UConn fall 2018 or later, and other useful information.
Working with Students
Advising Honors Students (slides and links from Honors Advisors Info Session 10/13/23 - session recording)
Honors Admission Forms for current UConn students or transfer students
- Honors Scholar and University Honors Laureate (UHL) award requirements
- Types of Honors Courses and Credits
- Honors Conversions
- Supervising Honors Conversions (Faculty)
- Course Distribution Categories - for students pursuing the UHL award
- Types of Honors Courses and Credits
- Honors Preliminary Plan of Study - Instructions for Honors Advisor Review and Approval
- Continuation requirements (yearly review takes place during the summer)
- Requirements for students who entered UConn between Fall 2012 and Spring 2018
Honors Guides for Peer Success (GPS) Team: guide Honors students through the University Honors Laureate co-curricular requirements and support students in their enrichment goals
Key Considerations for Advising Honors Students at Regional Campuses
- Direct outreach to your regional advisees can go a long way in saving you time, helping you connect with students, and making sure they know you’re accessible.
- Particularly if you are on another campus than a student; if a student doesn’t recognize your name or hasn’t heard directly from you, they may not be inclined to reach out as regularly.
- Students are not notified when an advisor gets changed in StudentAdmin because this can happen at any time. If you see a new student appear or you have recently been added to a student’s list of advisors, please send them an email (we encourage students to do the same!).
- Consider any barriers to completion of Honors Scholar on a regional campus
- Are there Honors courses that you usually tell students to take that are only offered in Storrs? If so, consider alternatives or reach out to Kaitlin Heenehan and Jaclyn Chancey re: Types of Honors courses.
- Do students need to use the Student Enrollment Request form to add an Honors course on their campus (common for independent study, research, or thesis courses, if not already listed on StudentAdmin)?
- Pin these pages (Plus this Advisor Toolbox) to help remind you/your students about Honors requirements and deadlines:
- Honors requirements page
- Timeline to Graduation page
- Current Honors Courses page (the full list of all Honors courses can be sorted by campus; Dynamic Class search works well for this too)
- Think about Engagement in the Major - particularly if you have a department-wide expectation, make sure what you’re requiring is accessible to regional campus students.
- If you use Nexus, you can sort your list of advisees by “Campus” and by “Honors"
- If you don’t see the “Honors” category, click on “Add/Remove Columns” at the top of your advisee list and select “Student Groups (Honors)”
- Students can meet with a member of the Honors GPS team to talk about Honors co-curricular graduation requirements and connect with the Honors community through events and engagement opportunities:
- Virtual Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM (except Wednesday 3:30-4:30 PM)
- Check in here or navigate on Nexus: “Check-in” on top menu > Multi-Campus > Honors Guides for Peer Success (GPS)
- Stamford In-Person Office Hours: Tuesday 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM and Wednesday 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM in room 201.
- Waterbury In-Person Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM and Thursday 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM in room 228K.
- Virtual Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM (except Wednesday 3:30-4:30 PM)
Stay Whelmed Honors Academic Success Plan for students on Honors GPA Notice
Behind the Scenes
- Honors Theoretical Framework (~10 minute video) and one-page overview
- Orientation Videos for Entering Honors First-Years
- Overview of the Honors Program ~5 minutes video
Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions
Honors Advisor Digest Archives
Latest issue: s.uconn.edu/HAD
Feb-14-25 | Jan-24-25 | Nov-22-24 | Nov-8-24 | Oct-25-24 | Oct-11-24 | Sep-27-24 | Sep-13-24 | Aug-30-24